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The Munirah Chronicle <[log in to unmask]>
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The MUNIRAH Chronicle of Black Historical Events & Facts <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 27 Aug 2020 11:09:35 -0400
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*		Today in Black History - August 27            *

1879 - African American publisher Robert Lee Vann is born in 
	Ahoskie, North Carolina. He will become a publisher, 
	lawyer and the nurturing editor of the Black newspaper, 
	The Pittsburgh Courier. He will attend Western University 
	of Pennsylvania. He will graduate from Law School in June, 
	1909. In 1910, he will become the Pittsburgh Courier's 
	editor and publisher. Under his leadership, The Courier 
	will develop into one of the leading Black newspapers of 
	the era. By the 1930s, it will be one of the highest 
	circulated Black newspapers in the United States. As many 
	as 14 different editions will be circulated throughout the 
	country. He will become involved in politics throughout 
	his association with The Courier. In 1918, he will be 
	appointed the fourth assistant city solicitor in Pittsburgh, 
	the highest position held by an African American in the city 
	government. Initially a Republican, he will grow 
	disillusioned with the party and convert to the Democratic 
	Party. On September 11, 1932, he will deliver a famous speech 
	at the St. James Literary Forum in Cleveland, Ohio entitled 
	"The Patriot and the Partisan" and will urge African Americans 
	throughout the nation to turn away from the Republican party 
	which had failed them, and support the Democratic party of 
	Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1932 election. He will support 
	Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1932 election, and will 
	subsequently be named special assistant to the U.S. attorney 
	general. In 1935, he will help campaign for the enactment of 
	an equal rights law in the State of Pennsylvania. He will 
	serve as editor and publisher of The Pittsburgh Courier until 
	he joins the ancestors on October 24, 1940. 

1909 - Lester Young is born into a musical family in Woodville,
	Mississippi. Young was taught several instruments by 
	his father. As a child he played drums in the family's 
	band, but around 1928 he quit the group and switched to 
	tenor saxophone. His first engagements on this 
	instrument were with Art Bronson, in Phoenix, Arizona. 
	He stayed with Bronson until 1930, with a brief side 
	trip to play again with the family, then worked in and
	around Minneapolis, Minnesota, with various bands. In 
	the spring of 1932 he joined the Original Blue Devils, 
	under the leadership of Walter Page, and was one of 
	several members of the band who joined Bennie Moten in 
	Kansas City towards the end of 1933. During the next 
	few years Young played in the bands of Moten, George E.
	Lee, King Oliver, Count Basie, Fletcher Henderson, Andy
	Kirk and others. He will join the ancestors on March 15,

1918 - Dr. Joseph L. Johnson is named minister to Liberia. 

1963 - W.E.B. DuBois joins the ancestors at age 95 in Accra, 
	Ghana. He was one of America's foremost scholars, a 
	militant civil rights activist, founding father of the 
	NAACP, and leading proponent of Pan-Africanism. 

1963 - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivers his "I Have A Dream" 
	speech in Washington, DC during the 1963 March on 

1966 - A racially motivated civil disobedience disorder occurs in 
	Waukegan, Illinois.

1975 - Haile Selassie, "Lion of Judah" and deposed Ethiopian 
	emperor, joins the ancestors at age 83 in Addis Ababa.

1982 - Rickey Henderson steals 119th base of season breaking Lou
	Brock's mark.

1983 - The second "March on Washington for Jobs, Peace, and 
	Freedom" is held. 

1989 - 'Johnny B Goode' is performed by Chuck Berry for NASA 
	engineers and scientists in celebration of Voyager II's 
	encounter with the planet Neptune.

1991 - Central Life Insurance Company, the last surviving 
	African American owned insurance company in the state of 
	Florida, is ordered liquidated by a Florida circuit 
	court judge.

2000 - Tiger Woods becomes the first male golfer since Johnny 
	Miller in 1975 to successfully defend three titles in 
	one year when he wins the NEC World Invitational.

2015 - Longtime NBA center Darryl Dawkins, perhaps best known 
	for his emphatic slam dunks, joins the ancestors at the 
	age of 58, after succumbing to a heart attack.

           Munirah Chronicle is edited by Mr. Rene' A. Perry
              "The TRUTH shall make you free"

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