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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 25 Feb 2016 15:07:07 -0700
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Over the years, we have gone through many sets of flatware.  Our children, regardless of how much we told them, would take a fork or spoon and knife for something and never returning it, our set would be incomplete.  We have joked, even just recently, that now that it is just us, Phil and Sandy, we have been able to keep the silverware all together.  Well, a few days ago, Sandy was unloading the dishwasher and when she put the silverware away in the drawer, you guessed, a large spoon, out of the 8 we should have, was missing.  We both took turns looking everywhere.  I finally started praying.  I looked in the dishwasher twice.  I even rolled the bottom rack out and felt to see if it had fallen out of the silverware holder and into the bottom but there was nothing there.  A couple of three days passed.  Sandy was talking about where that spoon could have gone.  I began praying.  “Lord,” I said, “If you don’t bring that spoon to us, I’m going to have to get on echurch and asked my friends to pray with me about this.  I don’t care where the spoon went and I don’t care if it got tossed into the trash compactor and is now under 50 feet of garbage at the city dump.  You know where that spoon is and this is important to my wife.  Send an angel, if you have to, and have the spoon put where one of us can find it.”  The next day, I came walking up the four steps out of my office into our kitchen and Sandy said, “I found that spoon!”  “Where did you find it,” I quickly asked.  Sandy said she didn’t know because she had just counted the spoons and now there were 8 instead of seven.  I had personally counted those spoons, and all the other silverware so I knew there were exactly 7 spoons.  I counted them twice to make certain.  Only 7 spoons in the drawer of silverware holder.  Neither of us had found an extra spoon    nor put any  silverware into the drawer.  So how do you think that spoon got there?

Secondly, Sandy dropped a small pill the other day and it was something that could be harmful to animals.  I crawled around on my hands and knees until I couldn’t move again and found nothing.  Gretchen came over and looked and so did big Everett.  It wasn’t there.  Later, I felt around again where it hit the floor and was praying when I heard a voice say, “It isn’t in the kitchen.  Pray for the dogs.”  I started praying for our dogs.  Within a couple of hours, one of our little dachshunds got very sleepy and in the morning, he was so slow and sleepy, he could not eat his breakfast. The drug he had swallowed wore off by noon so by the afternoon, he was eating again.  God answered my prayers again.
