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Pat Byrne <[log in to unmask]>
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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 22 Nov 2015 15:30:30 -0600
text/plain (66 lines)
Unless I am way off base, the TS590 runs 100 watts final input - if 
that be so, 75 watts output wouldn't be bad.  Or perhaps I am missing 
something here.
Pat, K9JAU
And the Kenwood power supply is probably rated 16 amps. continuous so 
you should be fine with it on the TS590.At 03:04 PM 11/22/2015, you wrote:
>Hello, everyone.
>I think I'm becoming more and more convinced that something might be going
>wrong with the trusty Astron RS35 linear power supply that I have been using
>here in the home shack for the past 18 years.
>Today, I had my XYL check the meters on the supply when keying up in RTTY
>mode with 100 watts with my TS590, and the meters on the supply read 14
>volts, with only a draw of 11 amps.  I did this on a frequency for which my
>DXCC antenna is resonant on 40 meters.  My SWR was 1.0 to 1, both according
>to  the TW1 and the meter on the TS590.  I then checked my output power
>reading.  According to the TW1, it was 57 watts, and according to the TS590
>meter, the output power was 75 watts.
>After our lenghthy discussions several weeks ago, when I noticed output
>power problems with my TMV71A, I tried my best to clean all DC power
>My next step will be to try another power supply, just to see if that makes
>a difference, which brings up a question.
>Does anyone on list have a Kenwood PS53 power supply?  I obtained this
>supply from an estate sale several years ago, and I think it is meant to be
>used with the Kenwood TS570, which I also obtained at that time.
>I had my XYL check the power draw ratings on the supply, and she told me it
>says 16 amps.  This seems a bit low to me, and may not be adequate for the
>TS590 on the full 100 watts.
>If anyone has accurate power draw ratings, or an accessible manual for the
>PS53 supply, I'd appreciate the additional info.
>I'm hoping to do some further experimenting with all of this during the
>upcoming Thanksgiving break.
>Tom Behler: KB8TYJ