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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 9 Jan 2016 11:21:50 -0500
Lloyd Rasmussen <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1"; reply-type=original
Lloyd Rasmussen <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (285 lines)
Serial port sharing generally doesn't work well unless the software in use 
is explicitly set up to handle it.
Hopefully the amplifier has a physical band-switch. If it does, I would use 
that, and leave your serial ports alone. It is not that hard to reach up and 
change bands on the amplifier. But then I don't think that manually going 
into standby is such a hard thing, either.
Although my transceiver is auto-tune when used barefoot, I have to go 
through several steps to tune the 44-year-old amp up on a new band. This 
process is slow, and I have to remember what I'm doing, but at my present 
age this works well enough for me.
Lloyd Rasmussen, W3IUU, Kensington, MD
-----Original Message----- 
From: Steve Forst
Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2016 10:54 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Necessity to Use MFJ-998's "Amp Enable In/Out" with Kenwood 
TS-2000 and Ameritron ALS-1306?


I will put  my answers  preceeded by a * in the spaces after your
questions.   Also remember that you must enable the amp keying in the
radio menu: menu 28 sub menu a.   Default is off and choices are 1 or 2.
  Set it at 2 and be happy.   Setting 1 has a very fast delay time and
may be too fast for your amp.  I've used setting 2 on both a tube and SS
amp with no problem.

Again, see other answers below.

73, Steve KW3A

On 1/9/2016 10:18 AM, Richard B. McDonald wrote:
> Hi Steve!
> Yeah, I am sure I am being a little paranoid about this.  It being the 
> first
> time I have ever had an amp, I just want to try not to blow it up right 
> from
> the start ; )  Well, please let me confirm a few things you said, as
> follows.
> 1) I did do a "Total Reset" on the 998, and I have indeed confirmed that 
> the
> amp SWR threshold is at 2.0.  However, I do not think I like the 
> requirement
> of having to put the amp in standby each time I tune.  To avoid this
> requirement, I must use the 998's amp enable in/out jacks, right?  In this
> way, each time I tune the 998 would a) put the amp into standby, b) tune 
> and
> then c) return the amp to operate all by itself, right?
* You are correct. If you decide not to use the amp line jacks on the
tuner, you will have to  put the amp into standby each time you tune,
otherwise the tuner will go into protection because you are  hitting it
with too much power, and the amp will probably go into protection mode
as well.

> 2)  I think you are saying that the 998 will put the amp into standby even
> when not tuning anytime it sees SWR greater than 2.0 (because of the 998's
> amp SWR threshold).  If I do not connect the 998's amp enable in/out 
> jacks,
> will the 998 automatically put the amp back into operate whenever the SWR
> falls below 2.0?  Or, must the amp enable in/out jacks be used for such
> functionality?
* If you want the protection  offered by the tuner, you have to connect
  the rca jacks and enable the switch on the amp as described in the
instructions you got from MFJ.  If connected, the tuner will break the
keying line when it sees a swr higher than 2.0.   This would be the same
as putting the amp into bypass.    So you would retune the tuner, and
when swr drops below the 2.0 threshold, the  amp will go back online as
the relay in the tuner closes.   This is all automatic, but you get none
of it if  you don't use these jacks.


> 3) OK, I get it about where the DIN (round) connector goes.  However, are 
> we
> saying that the other connector (the rectangular a.k.a. DB9) goes into the
> far bottom left (when facing the rear of the TS-2000) serial port?  That 
> is,
> it goes into the sole serial port used for PC control?  This means I have 
> a
> problem because I am already using that port to connect to my PC for rig
> control/monitoring (JJ Radio) and logging (AC Log) purposes.  I wonder if
> this means that I must use some sort of a "Y" splitter (1 > 2) adapter so
> that both the amp and my PC can use this port?  Maybe, instead of a
> splitter, I could plug this DB9 into the PC and just "share" the same COM
> port there which is already being "virtually" shared by both JJ Radio and 
> AC
> Log?
* Yes the db9 goes into the only serial port on the radio.  (You should
have bought a 590 - it has 2 ports.  Just kidding).   This connection is
how the amp knows what band the radio is on and so the amp knows what
band to switch to.

I think a Y cable can be used here, but I have never had to do this.  A
query to MFJ is probably your best bet.

I remember the problem you had a time back getting both software
packages running at the same time, but I'm not quite sure how you solved
it (software I think) and I really can't  tell you what to do about
this.   The amp needs to talk to the radio through the serial
connector, perhaps connecting to the pc on a shared comm port as you do
with the other software will work.  Maybe a Y cable would be better.  If
you have to do  some sort of keyboard switching  between JJ Radio and
your logger anytime you change between programs, this  probably wouldn't
work well for the amp.  I honestly  don't know how your shared commport
73 Steve KW3A
> Well, it seems I have some more work to do on this.  Steve, thanks again 
> for
> your help!
> 73,
> Richard KK6MRH
> -----Original Message-----
> From: For blind ham radio operators [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> On Behalf Of Steve Forst
> Sent: Friday, January 08, 2016 4:56 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: Necessity to Use MFJ-998's "Amp Enable In/Out" with Kenwood
> TS-2000 and Ameritron ALS-1306?
> Richard,
> Not as big a deal as you are makeing it.  First you don't have to use
> the jackson the tuner if you don't want.   The amp has protection
> circuits in it, but the relay in the tuner adds another level of
> protection.   Just like a car has brakes, but also has air bags.
> As you noted, the cable with the Y end goes to the radio.  The db9 end
> connects to the serial connector on the radio.  The one you said looks 
> like
> a mic connector is a 7 pin DIN plug.  It connects to a jack on the
> rear of  the radio.   There are 3 connectors that have plastic dummy
> plugs with  little pull handles on them. If I remember right it is the one
> farthest to the right, when looking at the rear.  Pull out the little
> plastic plug and  *carefully* insert the 7 pin DIN plug.  You
> will feel a notch on the outside of the plug.    The notch goes down (6
> o'clock) position.   It only goes in one way, you can screw it up if you
> try and put it in wrong.
> The other end of the Y cable goes to the jack on the amp.  Don't have that
> amp so can't tell you where it is.
> The amp would work like this, but if you want the extra protection of the
> tuner's relay, you need to connect it.
> Just follow the instructions MFJ gave you.
> RCA cable from the out jack on the amp to the in jack on the tuner and RCA
> cable from the out jack on the tuner to the relay jack on the amp.
>    Turn the switch on. Not sure where that switch is, but perhaps near the
> RCA jacks on the amp.  Nothing on the tuner needs to be turned on, but 
> since
> it is a used tuner, you should confirm that the amp threshold
> swr is the default 2.0.   If you reset the tuner after you got it, it
> will be at the default.
> SS amps don't like high swr and the tuner will take the amp off line if 
> swr
> is above 2.0, or while you are tuning.  If you don't use the line through
> the tuner, you will have to rely only on the amp's protection, and also 
> will
> have to  put the amp into standby each time you use the antenna tuner.
> Another grand pontifacation.  If I got paid by the word, I'd be rich.
> 73, Steve KW3A
> On 1/8/2016 6:49 PM, Richard B. McDonald wrote:
>> Hi!
>> This is not a short, simple or easy (for me, anyway) question.  I will
>> not be miffed if nobody grapples with it.  On the other hand, if you
>> do contemplate this I will be forever grateful.
>> I have a Kenwood TS-2000, an MFJ-998
>> <>  antenna
>> tuner and an Ameritron ALS-1306
>> <>  amplifier.
>> Both the 998 and the 1306 are connected to the TS-2000 with their
>> specific interface cables.  My question is if it is additionally
>> necessary to connect the 998's amp enable in/out cables?  Below is a bit
> more information.
>> The 998 has two jacks: 1) "amp enable in" RCA phono connector and 2)
>> "amp enable out" RCA phono connector.  Presently, I am not using these
>> amp enable in/out jacks.  However, the 998 is connected to the TS-2000
>> with the MFJ-5114K
>> <>
>> interface cable.  The 998 manual does say though: "Note: MFJ
>> *recommends* [emphasis added] that a transceiver-specific interface
>> cable be used between the MFJ-998 and your transceiver, and that an
>> amplifier enable/bypass connection be used between the MFJ-998 and
>> your amplifier, to *ensure* [emphasis added]e that tuning only occurs at
> low power."
>> The 1306 is connected to the TS-2000 with the Ameritron DB-DB7DK
>> <>  interface
> cable.
>> Basically, this cable is like a "Y."  On the end with the two
>> connectors (both of which connect to the TS-2000), one of the
>> connectors is rectangular and similar to a serial connector and the
>> other connector is round similar to a mic connector.  The other end of
>> the cable has one connector which is rectangular similar to a serial
>> connector; which connects to the 1306.  The
>> 1306 manual describes the relevant rear panel connectors as follows:
>> -          ALC: Optional connection. Connects to radio ALC input.
>> -          RELAY: Connect to radio amplifier keying [relay] line.
>> -          KEY LOOP SWITCH: Switch to turn on and off the KEY LOOP
> function.
>> -          RADIO INTERFACE: This connector is for use with Ameritron 
>> radio
>> interface cables. *It also provides amplifier actuation in transmit
>> mode with some radios.* [emphasis added]
>> Again stating that the ALC is optional, the 1306 manual says "In
>> general, transceiver internal ALC is all that is necessary. The ALC
>> monitors the RF output power and reflected power supplied by the
>> ALS-1306 to the load."  The
>> 1306 manual goes on to provide the following:
>> "When using an automatic antenna tuner that has the capability to
>> inhibit the amplifier from operating either during tuning or when
>> conditions are outside of the tuner's capability[as does the 998]; and
>> when the radio interface has the Amplifier Relay line included (not
>> using the RELAY jack); the KEY LINE can be used. The KEY LOOP Switch
>> is used to route the key signal from the interface to the amp directly or
> out the KEY LOOP jack.
>> a.    If the KEY LOOP is not used set the KEY LOOP Switch to OFF so the
>> Radio Interface Cable can key the amplifier.
>> b.    If the KEY LOOP is used with an automatic antenna tuner switch the
>> LOOP Switch to ON, run a cable from the KEY LOOP connector on the amp
>> to the AMP ENABLE IN connector on the tuner, and run a cable from the
>> AMP ENABLE OUT connector to the RELAY connector on the amp."
>> I emailed Ameritron about all this.  They said "The radio gets the end
>> with two plugs on it. The DIN plug has your relay key line and your
>> ALC while the
>> DB-9 connector has your band data.  The round plug is a DIN plug and
>> the other is a DB-9 plug. The DB-9 plug connects to the COM port on
>> the radio and the DIN plug connects to the REMOTE port on the radio.
>> See page 13 of the TS-2000's manual."
>> Seriously?  I have no idea what all the above means : (
>> Many thanks &73,
>> Richard KK6MRH