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Fri, 8 Jan 2021 21:23:25 -0500
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I have the dura extreme and before that I had the 4 g lte version and 
before that I had the 3 g version.  Thevery best one was the 3 g version 
for accessability.  The other later versions are down grades when it 
comes to accessability.  oOn the 3 g version the readout would read 
almost everything and all of the voice commands worked.  I could 
customise the readout and when the phone was closed it would announce 
incomming calls and if the phones was out of service.  This is the most 
accessable flip phone ever made.  If Verizon did not turn off 3 g then I 
would get annother phone I would just use that phone for the rest of my 
life.  Now ew come to the 4 g lte version of the dura xv.  You can't 
customise the readout it is either on or off.  It does not tell me if 
the phone is out of service. The voice commands still work and it has a 
hot spot and usb tethering.  The brouser is junk but the readout does 
read it.  Now on to the so called extreme version of the dura xv. The 
readout does notread web pages and the voice commands have been very 
striped down.  There are only 5 things that you can use voice comands 
for.  No more going in to menus or opening settings or controling the 
phone by voice.  The only thing that I can do with voice comands is is 
voice dialing if I try to say any other commands it says command not 
recignised please try again.  I can't check my phone status.  Things 
like battery level, network,and signal strength.  I guess that Kyocera 
think that this information is not important to us and we don't need to 
know it.  They are deciding for us what information that we will have 
access to.  I don't like anyone doing that I want to chose what 
information that I want to access.  That is my rite.  They are telling 
us here is your token accessability you should be greatful that we give 
you any accessability at all.  I get the message loud and clear.  I call 
Kyocera andVerizon to express my displeasure and great disappointment 
with them.  Theese people are proven that they don't really care about 
their customers needs with disabilities at all.  If they really did then 
they would not have down graded their phones and taken away alot of our 
accessability.  In my book this is a major ada issue.  If any of you 
have kyocera phones then I encourage you to call Kyoceraand complain 
about this.  When I called Kyocera I was told that no one had complained 
about the problem of voice commands being striped down.  The dura xv 
extreme does have an fm radio it's okay but it's not great.  Verizon 
told me that they don't have many phones that have voice commands and 
the ones that do have very limited commands.  You should be able to 
fully control your phone by voice do everything that your phone can do 
by voice commands.  I don't want only voice dialing I can dial numbers 
using the buttons on the keypad I want voice commands for information 
that I can't get from menus or by the keypad.  If there is a phone with 
full voice control and all commands work then I would get that phone.  
It must work on Verizons network. Then I could tell Kyocera that I don't 
want your limited accessable phones any more.  It would be good 
ridence.  What would make Kyocera do such a thing of taking away and 
limiting our accessability?   Every feature of my phone should be fully 
accessable I want to be able to access every feature of my phone just 
like any sighted person that my rite.  They owe that to us blind 
people.  Theese people don't belong in business and have no business 
sence and don't care about the needs of their customers at all.  I use 
to like Kyocera phones butno more after their down grade of the so 
called extreme.  I am a person who is usually a brand loyalist but they 
really blew it this time.  If I am loyal to a company it is usually for 
life unless they do somthing majorly wrong then I will go else whear.



Brian Sackrider

very disapointed with Kyocera right now

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