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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 30 Sep 2015 10:35:58 -0700
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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
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Eric Oyen <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (46 lines)
here is an alternative that is pretty easy to build.

1 you will need 50 feet of PVC pipe and at least 1/4 wave of enameled magnet wire. the idea here is to make a helical wound antenna (much like a firestik. the windings will need to be widely spaced at the bottom (about 1 turn per foot and gradually reducing to a tight wound coil near the top. You can also create loaded ground radials this way. The ground radials definitely need to be 1/4 wave long (electrically). the vertical element can be 1/4 up to 3/4 waves (wound). THis will make an excellent low space vertical antenna.

as a second (receive only) you can create a magnetic loop antenna that is not much larger than 10 feet in diameter. the top will be split and a tuning cap placed there. there is also a secondary coupling loop (this will directly connect to the coax). with the addition of a preamp, you will have a station that can produce a decent signal on 160 with the ears to match.

DE n7zzt Eric

On Sep 30, 2015, at 10:16 AM, Steve Forst wrote:

> Mike,
> I don't have any experience with any of the antennas you mention, but 
> perhaps an inverted L would be better than the long wire.  For long haul 
> stuff on 160, vertical antennas are the way to go.   You would get that 
> from the inverted L, or the other 2 antennas you mention.
> I'm using what is probably the worst antenna for 160, a loaded dipole 
> that isn't very high.  You have a better location than me, and would 
> probably do well no matter what antenna you use.
> While there is plenty of SSB activity, and even DX, my experience is 
> that CW is the better mode on this band.  I have 19 DXCC countries on 
> 160 SSB worked, and 60 countries on CW.   Only country I worked on phone 
> that I couldn't repeat on CW was Gambia.
> Of course, your location may give you nice  SSB contacts into western 
> Europe, that I could only dream about.
> Good luck.  Now is the time to do something before the snow flies.
> Do you know what the bandwidth would be for  the Zero 5 antenna with the 
> optional coil?
> 73, Steve KW3A
> On 9/30/2015 11:35 AM, Michael Ryan wrote:
>> Hi all:
>> This may open up a flood gate but what are your decent 160M antennas and experiences with these?
>> I'm hoping to put up a 330 foot long wire on a 20 foot high mast in a few weeks but not sure how well it will get out with 4 or 500W. I think another favorite is the Hy-gain high towers, which are 50 feet tall with a coil and require radials. There's now a coil I can buy for my Zero Five vertical which makes it a better performer on 160 with radials. I'm pretty sure I could get this coil and some radials for 160 for a 3RD the cost of the Hy-gain high tower.
>> 73:
>> Mike DE VO1AX