For blind ham radio operators


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text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Sat, 4 Jul 2015 15:43:25 -0400
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
David Weigel <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (189 lines)
Hello, Listmates!

                A few weeks ago this Listserve communicated amongst
ourselves about methods to better use our I phones and I pads, and the
website: <>  was
suggested as a useful, easy to navigate tutorial for I Phone users.  A
couple of days ago I received the e-mail below from the website, so I pass
it along FYI.  I still highly recommend this website to learn the gestures
and ways to more easily operate our I phones.  It's nice to see that
upgrades in the I phone and I pad software are updated in the tutorial.  



Dave Weigel   KD4JEZ


From: Web Master [mailto:[log in to unmask]] 
Sent: Thursday, July 2, 2015 11:41 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: VoiceoverEasy.Net Newsletter #3


Hello All,

This is the Web Master at with our third news letter.
You are receiving this email because you have contacted me via email
sometime in the past with questions or comments about  I
would like to take this opportunity to thank each of you for your comments
and suggestions.  They have helped to make a better, more
usable website which is being viewed in over 70 countries.


In this issue I will cover New lesson material which has been added since
the last Newsletter as well as some new features which I hope will make the
website easier to use.


New and Updated Lessons


1.        Unit 3: Using the Phone has been updated to reflect the new
capabilities of the iPad to receive and make phone calls in iOS8.  The unit
has been renamed to "Phone Features", and is now visible no matter if you
are learning about iPhones or iPads.


2.        A new unit on Security and Privacy was added.  Securing Your iOS
device covers concepts about security in general, and then talks about
specific things you can do to protect your device  and its data from loss or
theft.  The second lesson in this unit is about protecting your privacy.  It
covers some things you can do to make it harder for those near you to
eavesdrop on what you are doing, as well as some general issues about
privacy in the digital age and how the ways you use your iOS device can
affect your privacy.


3.        Some Lessons have been updated with new features from iOS 8.3.
You will need to select iOS 8.3 from the combo box in order to see the new
sections.  The first lesson is Text Messaging: Section 2.6,  Filter Unknown
Senders.  A way to filter out text messages from senders who are not in your
contacts list.  It's helpful for ignoring those annoying SPAM text messages.
The second is the lesson on Siri:  Section 6.4, Calling Someone on Speaker
Phone.  When you use Siri to make a call, you can now tell Siri to put the
call on speaker.

4.       A new lesson called "On the Clock" was added to Unit 6: It's About
Time. This lesson teaches you about the Clock application. The Clock App has
four functions; a world clock, an alarm clock, a stopwatch, and a Timer.

5.       Several readers have asked why Voiceover seems to read items on the
screen out of order. Section 7.5 of Orientation and Basics was updated to
explain this.



New Features             


1.       Great News! now remembers your settings for
Device Type, iOS Version, and Color Scheme from one visit to the next.  In
other words, you no longer have to reset these settings each time you come
back to the site.  To do this uses a Cookie.  Your browser
must accept cookies for this feature to work.  If you are using an iPhone or
iPad to read the lessons, they also must be configured to accept cookies.
This is detailed in the lesson on Privacy.  You must also unselect the
"Private" button under the "Pages" tab in Safari. 



1.        You no longer have to worry about nnavigating to the drop down
list to select your device type.  If you have not selected one at the start
of each lesson, or if looses track of it, the chance to
select it appears right at the beginning of the lesson.  If you have already
chosen a device type and iOS version, the lesson will tell you at the
beginning which device type and iOS version it is set up to teach you about.
If you need to change them, you can do so in the same manner as before.


2.            A Distribution Authorization Request form has been created for
instructors who would like to distribute copyrighted
materials.  Once you complete the form, it will generate an email message to
the web master.  You should hear within 1 to 3 days if you have been given
permission.  There is normally no charge to distribute the materials if you
do the printing or brailling yourself.  Please note that you are prohibitted
from distributing the courseware in whole or in part in any form without
express written permission from                  


3.       To assist you with creating a hard or electronic copy for your
personal use or for authorized distribution there is now a "Show settings
and contents" check box at the top of each page.  When it is checked, the
table of contents and the settings drop down lists are visible on the right
side of the page.  If you uncheck the box, the table of contents and the
rest of the Navigation area is hidden, and the lesson text margins expand to
fill the void.  This should make it easier to copy the text into a word or
PDF document for your reference/use when the web is not available.


NOTE:  You may create one copy of each lesson and supplemental materials for
your personal use as a student or instructor.  You may not distribute copies
of these lessons, in whole or in part,  through print, braille, audio,
electronic, or any other  format without the express written permission of  


4.        Now you can help improve by taking the optional
survey at the end of each lesson.  Your answers are anonymous, and all
comments are welcome.  Help to shape the future of


5.       The home page has been updated so that it has a
similar format to the Lessons pages.  It is now divided into sections just
as the lessons are.


What's Next for


iOS 8.4 will be available this month and iOS9 is right around the corner.
Over the summer the website will be updated to include the new features of
each.  In addition, a lesson about the Safari web browser and a lesson on
playing music  are on the drawing board.


Thank you for using  If you have questions about the
site, please email at any time. does no advertising.  It
counts on you to spread the word.  If you found the material helpful, please
let others know.



AKA: The Web Masster at <> /

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