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Curtis Delzer <[log in to unmask]>
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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 26 Nov 2015 10:23:29 -0800
text/plain (34 lines)
I have an auto announcement clock which at least gives me 5 seconds 
b4 the hour, problem is, that everyone hears it over the air! yike! I 
make it part of my on-the-air persona. :)

At 06:50 PM 11/13/2015, you wrote:
>Dave and Lou, I too had one of the SFB clocks that followed me through
>3 radio stations before it finally gave up the ghost. Try as I might, I
>was never able to find a suitable replacement motor for it. There were
>plenty of clock motors, but they were either the wrong size or the 
>wrong shape.
>So the engineer at radio station job #3 helped me do the next best thing.
>Not long before the SFB clock bit the dust, I had found a similar type
>clock at a ham fest flea market for $5. It was somewhat larger than the
>original, and not nearly as nice looking, but it did work.
>I removed the front of the case, and the engineer helped me line up
>dymo tape number strips around the wheels, which, of course, was what
>Tom had done with his product. We never got the 5 second marks to come
>out right, so I settled for 10 second markings, which worked well enough.
>That flea market find lasted me another 10 years before suffering the
>same motor failure sometime in the mid 90s on the job that I still have
>at Radio Reading Service of Mississippi. On a quick side note, I met
>Dave at the first Radio Reading Conference I attended in 1989.
>Now, when I need timing with a live microphone, I use the clock in a
>BrailleNote. But if I ever get my hands on another of those number
>wheel clocks, it will receive "the touch treatment."
>Mike Duke, K5XU