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Colin McDonald <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 9 Jun 2015 14:07:07 -0600
text/plain (95 lines)
wow, that is soooooo much better than flash...buttons and sliders are 
Thanks for the tips.

Colin, V A6BKX
-----Original Message----- 
From: Steve
Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2015 12:48 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: YouTube

Yes, I've given up on Adobe's Flash player.  It is unreliable, fraught =
with security exploits, and now unnecessary to watch Youtube videos as =
long as you enable HTML5 in Internet Explorer.   I don't know if you can =
do this in earlier versions of IE, but it certainly works in IE 11.

I'll describe some other potential workarounds below.

To enable the HTML5 player in youtube:
1.  Open
Click on the "request HTML5 player" button. =20

Most, but not all videos, will play with html5 on Youtube. =20
If you run across the odd one that doesn't, then you can put Youtube =
into compatibility mode which disables the html5 player.  But, then, =
you'll have to do a lot more troubleshooting into why your flash player =
doesn't play the videos.

Here's some brief things to consider:

1.  Revert Flash to a previous version.  Adobe is aware of issues with =
some of the latest releases, but they shoould be addpressing this if =
they haven't already with Version 17.  But, if you just started having =
the problem, reverting might be an option if you accept the security =

See Adobe's page on installing an earlier version of Flash

You can see which version of Slash you are using at=20

After you install your version, you  can download an older version at =
the flash archive page.

Second, make sure you have Enhanced Protected Mode turned off in IE =
Options.  It is in the Advanced area, near the bottom, on mine if you =
scroll up from the bottom there are 24 items and it is 11.

I have Flash disabled on my IE11 browser, I don't have the freezing =
issues I did with Flash.  If I absolutely have to go to a page that =
needs Flash, I use Firefox which I use as an alternate browser with the =
flash plug-in. =20

Steve, K8SP
----- Original Message -----=20
From: Pat Byrne=20
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2015 1:49 PM
Subject: Re: YouTube

Good point Colin.  i've done that a couple of times recently and,=20
sadly it didn't fix the issue.
patAt 12:43 PM 6/9/2015, you wrote:
>sounds like you need to update your adobe flash player.
>That is usually what causes this kind of thing.
>The adobe flash installer is now accessible so it's a breeze to update.
>Colin, V A6BKX
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Dr. Ronald E. Milliman
>Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2015 10:56 AM
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: YouTube
>I have tried to open several different YouTube videos recently of =
>types of antennas and other ham related videos, but I cannot get them =
>play. I used to be able to listen to them on this computer, but =
>changed, and I can no longer open up and play YouTube videos. I'm using
>Windows 7 with the most recent version of MSIE. It seems like it might =
be a
>file association issue, but that is my best guess. Do any of you have =
>recommendations on how I can solve this problem?
>Ron, K8HSY