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Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List <[log in to unmask]>
Jeff Kenyon <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 4 Sep 2018 16:56:30 -0500
Dan Tevelde <[log in to unmask]>
Dan Tevelde <[log in to unmask]>
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Something about this story isn't adding up.  If he is a U.S. citizen, why isn't he living here, or why doesn't he come back to the U.S. for help?  I would want to get more information before I started sending him money or equipment.  The story may be true but the facts require more investigation.

Harry, I'm also puzzled why you couldn't find an e-mail address on the Blind Bargains site. I think it is in the contact us section.  In fact, I sent an e-mail last week though I didn't get a response.


Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 4, 2018, at 4:29 PM, Jeff Kenyon <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hi, I wish I could help too.  I used to use Linox, but it was a long time ago when I used another ISP which unfortunately is overriden with spammers.  It was Linox based and used the older Freeport program and was one of the older freenets.  I used this ISP via telnet and SSH for a long time.  I would also be interested in testing out this new computer.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Sep 4, 2018, at 5:24 PM, Fernando Botelho <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Harry,
>> My team is working on the world's most affordable talking computer, and even though it is quite easy to use, it happens to be based on linux. It uses a Raspberry Pi computer, and the entire kit will probably be around US$120, depending on shipping and other factors which we are still researching.
>> We have not yet officially launched, but we are looking for testers, and this gentleman could be one of them. However, we do not have the resources to look for him online, as we are working towards some rapidly approaching deadlines. If you or someone you know could help us reach him, I would appreciate the help.
>> Thanks,
>> Fernando
>>> On 09/04/2018 05:56 PM, Harry Brown wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I just saw this email on the blind bargains podcast 155 page, I will quote it here, then some comments after.
>>> "Hi! I'm Marcos Miranda, a US citizen in the Philippines. I'm completely blind since April 2018, a month before my 48th birthday. The eye doctor here in the Philippines claims I've Diabetic Retinopathy and says I need $3,500 (equivalent from Philippine Pesos) for surgery on my right eye as my left eye is dead. I disagreed with the doctor because I know my blindness was caused by long-term clinical stress from psychological torture beyond my control. Since mid-June, I'm taking herbal medicine and my vision is slowly returning in both of my eyes. If you would like to know more, please feel free to ask me.
>>> Prior to becoming completely blind in April 2018, I've completed 35 years of computer science. On July 21, 2018, I ended working the Linux operating system after 21 years.
>>> What frustrates me at being blind, is the fact that I know how all this assistive technology is built and I can't use any of my knowledge for my benefit! For example, I had been doing speech synthesis projects since 1986 and artificial intelligence projects since 1988.
>>> Prior to moving to the Philippines, I was born in Massachusetts and grew up in Seattle. I've been SSA disabled since 2003 and awaiting "upgrade" due to doctor's certificate of my blindness.
>>> I am strictly an Android user. I'm typing this message on a Bluetooth keyboard linked to my LG phone. I listen to your podcasts using TuneIn Radio Pro that I purchased almost 5 years ago.
>>> Is Blind Bargains focused on wealthy blind people? I can't afford any Apple devices and most of the products you talk about are technology I will never experience in my lifetime. If I still had vision, I could build the stuff I cannot afford! Most of your podcasts are mostly iOS-centric, making me feel depressed because I only have Android.
>>> For me to stay positive as a completely blind computer geek, I am actively posting into my Twitter account as @FilAmScientist. Due to change of focus, on August 21st, I deleted my tweets, changed my name & bio. I have zero moral support.
>>> Thank you for reading my message. Other than my wife, I have zero moral & financial support! I wish I had money to buy the Braille tech you talk about, but like I said, it'll never happen in my lifetime. It's hard to be happy after complete loss of vision. Thanks for reading my mail.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Marcos Miranda"
>>> This man thinks he cannot use Linux any more, but ou certainly can, blind people are doing it. I'm not a Linux user, but they're out there, and if any of you, use Linux, or, can get ahold of Linux users, let's help Marcos, to keep using Linux, with a screen reader. I have no way to contact blind bargains, (looked on their page, and no email address. But if any of you know how to contact them, let's get Marcos's email address and Linux users can contact Marcos, and tell him, yes, blind people can and are using, Linux!
>>> I deeply feel this man's pain, and I want to help him, and by posting this, hopefully, someone can help him.
>>> Harry
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