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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 20 Jul 2015 10:51:52 -0400
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
Steve Forst <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (297 lines)

You need to be in SSB for this.    Even if you can somehow copy some 
stuff while in FSK mode, you won't be able to transmit.   FSK  is for 
RTTY and does not use the sound card for TX.  It hard keys the radio in 
RTTY using a interface you don't have.    It's not how you operate psk.

I think Digipan  ( like other psk programs)  has a multi channel  decode 
function.   It decodes several  stations at the same time and you would 
pick the one you want.   I'm not sure if it is active by default.  You 
should look through the drop down menus and if  you see something like 
"multi channel decode"  and uncheck it if it is checked.    This would 
put you into single channel and only decode one signal at at time. 
Maybe easier, or  do the multi channel thing if you prefer.

I wouldn't obsess about the bandwidth right now.   Locking on to a 
signal and getting your screen reader to  speak it out is  the biggest 
part of the pie.   If you are decoding  and hearing some real text, you 
are on the right path.

73, Steve  KW3A

On 7/20/2015 10:26 AM, Matthew Chao wrote:
> Hi, Steve.  Well, I finally got PSK to receive, at least.Figured out
> the modes on the 480, went to CW mode, held the mode button, and got
> into FSK mode.  Actually copied a few snippets of PSK31.  So, we're
> getting there, we're getting there.  Only problem is that my
> bandwidth doesn't go to 3000, unless I'm missing something.--Matt, N1IBB.
> At 07:49 PM 7/19/2015 -0400, you wrote:
>> If I remember it is f9 again.  It toggles TX on and off.   Possibly
>> escape as well.  In most programs escape will abort transmission,
>> although  not in MMTTY.
>> Poke around in the menus.  There is a list of what the F keys do.
>> Sometimes referred to as "macros".
>> 73 Steve KW3A
>> On 7/19/2015 7:29 PM, Matthew Chao wrote:
>>> Hi, steve.  Yes, mmtty is somehow messed up.  The Digipan arrow
>>> movement is already checked in the software.  When I hit f9 for
>>> transmit, how do I stop transmitting?
>>> Will look up data modes regarding the 480.
>>> Meanwhile, the trial and error goes on, hi.--Matt, N1IBB.
>>> At 04:37 PM 7/19/2015 -0400, you wrote:
>>>> Matt,
>>>> Well there is some good news.  I guess there is a setting messed up in
>>>> MMTTY.  You can revisit that  some other time.
>>>> If your interface is keying the radio and generating the psk tones, that
>>>> is a step in the right direction.
>>>> A lot of these programs have junk  that flashes on the screen and gets
>>>> grabbed by the screen reader.   You might want to look under the "view"
>>>> menu.  You will probably see a number of things checked, like  status
>>>> bar, clock, and maybe some other junk.    Try unchecking some of this
>>>> stuff and see if the extra  speech goes away.
>>>> I don't remember what the high and low cut frequencies of the 480's dsp
>>>>     are.    You should probably open them up a bit.   If you plan on using
>>>> the data mode filtering, you need to read up on that in the  480 manual.
>>>> I forget which menu in Digipan, but  arrow down and you will see one
>>>> that says "use arrows for seek" or something like that.   Check that,
>>>> and you will use your pc's keyboard left and right arrow keys to  jump
>>>> to the next signal.
>>>> You don't tune in the signals with the vfo knob.    Get on 14.070  USB
>>>> for example  and use the arrow key (in this case right arrow, if I
>>>> remember right)  and  the software  will jump to the next signal it sees
>>>> and decode it.
>>>> There is  an area of the screen called "the waterfall display".   That
>>>> really can't be accessed  with a screen reader.    Each signal is
>>>> represented by a double line like a railroad track.  A sighted ham would
>>>>     use his mouse to choose which signal he wants to decode and click
>>>> with the mouse.   Then the text from that signal starts displaying in
>>>> the RX window.
>>>>     Setting the menu mentioned above to use the arrow keys will let you
>>>> jump to the next signal  without a mouse.
>>>> I'm glad the TX side works for you.  Now you really need to  bone up on
>>>> psk.  Read the docs for the software and maybe some tutorials online.
>>>> you will have the same issues getting the screen reader to do what you
>>>> want as you did in the other program.
>>>> There are a boatload of psk programs out there.  You aren't married to
>>>> this one.
>>>> Hey, it's a hobby.  Nobody said it was going to be fun.
>>>> 73, Steve KW3A
>>>> On 7/19/2015 4:07 PM, Matthew Chao wrote:
>>>>> Hi, Steve.  Well, the transmitter keyed up and the tone went out on
>>>>> PSK/Digipan.  However, the speech keeps reading "200, 300" etc., no
>>>>> matter how carefully I tune to the tone.
>>>>> Also, in either mtty or Digipan, should I adjust the gain?  And
>>>>> unless I'm missing something, can't get the filter to go to
>>>> 3000.--Matt, N1IBB.
>>>>> P.S.  Haven't felt compelled to either light the fuse on the 480, or
>>>>> take it to the shooting range.
>>>>> At 02:52 PM 7/19/2015 -0400, you wrote:
>>>>>> I think the only thing you need to do is figure out why the interface
>>>>>> isn't keying the radio.
>>>>>> Since you have Digipan on your pc, in the configuration menu, under
>>>>>> soundcards, select the USB sound device for both RX and TX.  Also under
>>>>>> the  configuration/serial ports menu, select "none".   Press f9 and the
>>>>>> radio should key and the psk tones transmitted
>>>>>> If this works, then your RTTY problems are in the MMTTY settings.   If
>>>>>> it doesn't key in Digipan, then the problem is probably in the
>>>>>> interface.  Not installed, connected, or adjusted right.
>>>>>> MMTTY only does RTTY and Digipan does PSK.    You can try the trial
>>>>>> version of MixW which John uses.   It is multimode, but I never got it
>>>>>> working here.  Until you get the hardware figured out, you might want to
>>>>>> hold off on any software that has a trial period, since you  can't take
>>>>>> full advantage of it.   The cd that came with the SL may have had some
>>>>>> other software on it.
>>>>>>      BTW, I stick to RTTY and haven't done any psk in years, so of course
>>>>>> I'm an expert.
>>>>>> If need be, find the fuse on the 480 and light it.
>>>>>> 73, Steve  KW3A
>>>>>> On 7/19/2015 2:28 PM, Matthew Chao wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi, Steve.  Thanks.  Will be looking for PSK and follow your
>>>>>>> suggestions.  Besides opening up the filter and turning on Menu 45,
>>>>>>> is there anything else I need to do on my 480?
>>>>>>> Also, will mmtty do psk, and are there any settings I need to change
>>>>>>> for that to work?  I also have digipan and have same questions about
>>>>>>> that one as well.  Can digipan do RTTY?  Thanks.--Matt.
>>>>>>> At 01:09 PM 7/19/2015 -0400, you wrote:
>>>>>>>>                                     Matt,
>>>>>>>>       Glad you got  something working.   The wav files are
>> nice, but you
>>>>>>>> will have to start tuning in real signals.
>>>>>>>>       Not sure how much monkeying  around with the screen  will help.
>>>>>>>> Tinker if you want, you can always untinker later.
>>>>>>>> The left knob is TX audio and the middle knob is RX audio.   You might
>>>>>>>> want to try increasing the TX (left knob) and decrease the VOX (right
>>>>>>>> knob) and see if you can get the  radio to key.
>>>>>>>> You can hear PSK on 20 meters anytime the band is open, between 14.070
>>>>>>>> and 14.073  If you are on 14.070 use USB mode, if on 14.073
>>>> use LSB mode.
>>>>>>>> Open the filter in the radio to 3 khz.   The psk
>> software  will grab all
>>>>>>>> the signals  in that  3 khz for decoding.
>>>>>>>> Have fun, Steve KW3A
>>>>>>>> On 7/19/2015 12:27 PM, Matthew Chao wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Ok, Steve, we got receive back.  Readjusted everything according to
>>>>>>>>> instructions.  Also under the sl/usb codec speaker settings, changed
>>>>>>>>> freq response to 11025.  ARan test again, and it's reading the files.
>>>>>>>>> Does it help if I size the creen by character width and line height
>>>>>>>>> under mtty?  Also, anywhere I can get sounds of PSK31 so as to know
>>>>>>>>> what to listen for?
>>>>>>>>> Also, which knobs on the signallink do what?  Far right is
>>>>>>>>> vox?  Other two knobs set pointing straight up.
>>>>>>>>> Oh, no smoke yet - but wait ... there's more!--Matt, N1IBB.
>>>>>>>>> t 09:06 AM 7/19/2015 -0400, you wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Matt,
>>>>>>>>>> Too much junk  in RTTY is usually to much drive to the sound
>>>> card.  The
>>>>>>>>>>        RTTY contests are over and it will be harder to  find a
>>>>>> signal on the
>>>>>>>>>> air to decode.  On to PSK!.
>>>>>>>>>> You're jumping back and forth between RX and TX and don't
>>>> seem to have a
>>>>>>>>>> handle on either one.
>>>>>>>>>>        When you transmit and hear tones, are they coming from
>>>> the radio, or
>>>>>>>>>> the pc's speakers?
>>>>>>>>>> If from the radio (tones from radio, but not going into TX)  it's a
>>>>>>>>>> vox/tx drive issue.   If the tones are coming out of the
>>>> pc's speakers,
>>>>>>>>>> I think  you may not have the right sound card selected
>> and are trying
>>>>>>>>>> to transmit on the pc's  sound card.
>>>>>>>>>> The fact that you saw some call signs yesterday, would lead
>>>> me to think
>>>>>>>>>> you are at least hooked up correctly, with the mini din
>>>> plugged into the
>>>>>>>>>> center jack of the 3 behind the little cover.  It's a snug
>>>> fit.  Are you
>>>>>>>>>> sure it is plugged in   firmly?  On mine, the little notch
>>>> on the metal
>>>>>>>>>> barrel of the plug is at the 12 o'clock position.
>>>>>>>>>> Don't worry, it's all just a bad dream.
>>>>>>>>>> 73, Steve KW3A
>>>>>>>>>> On 7/19/2015 8:44 AM, Matthew Chao wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> No smoking or zapping sounds yet.  Adjusted the volume,
>> and now, I'm
>>>>>>>>>>> getting garbled characters.  Probably should have left well enough
>>>>>>>>>>> alone, but had to tinker, hi.  Does that mean the volume's now too
>>>>>>>>>>> low?--Matt, N1IBB.
>>>>>>>>>>> At 10:37 PM 7/18/2015 -0400, you wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Matt,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Been playing in the contest.  I did see John responded
>>>> to  your other
>>>>>>>>>>>> posts.   He said the same thing I had mentioned, that you
>>>>>> need to follow
>>>>>>>>>>>> the instructions for what levels to set within Windows
>> for the SL's
>>>>>>>>>>>> sound card
>>>>>>>>>>>> The "overflow" message means too much drive for the  sound
>>>> card.   So
>>>>>>>>>>>> you should lower the level on the RX drive knob.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On a previous question:
>>>>>>>>>>>>         I don't think there is a hot key to get to the RX
>>>>>> window.    This is
>>>>>>>>>>>> where you and your screen reader become fast friends.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Don't worry.  Next week you get to tackle PSK.
>>>>>>>>>>>> If you smell smoke, pull the plug and run.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 73, Steve KW3A
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 7/18/2015 10:24 PM, Matthew Chao wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi, Folks.  Somehow, I messed up my MMTTY
>> settings.  When I run the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> test files, I get overflow, and no text.  Is the mic
>>>> volume on my SL
>>>>>>>>>>>>> USB too high?  What happened?  Thanks.--Matt, n1ibb.