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Steve Forst <[log in to unmask]>
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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 25 Jan 2015 13:04:23 -0500
text/plain (59 lines)

Sounds like you had a good outing this weekend.   I was on a little bit 
each evening, but didn't stay up  late either night.   Did about an hour 
early each morning.  Mostly S and P.   Put 235 in the log, with 38 
states, DC, 2 VE provinces and 2  DX.  I also worked the ZF2 and HI3CC. 
   Both the DX stations were  worked  between 1100 and 1130 UTC  Saturday.

Worked as far to the west as California, but never heard anything from 
Europe.  I may have been on at the wrong time, or  just couldn't hear 
them if they were there.

  The station and Writelog software worked just fine, although I did 
have a  change in the resonant point of the antenna due to snow Friday 

73, Steve KW3A

On 1/25/2015 11:45 AM, Tom Behler wrote:
> Hi, all.
> With babysitting grand-kids late Friday through yesterday, I didn't have
> time to put a great effort in on the CQ WW 160-meter CW contest, but I was
> at least able to do something.
> I put in about 2 hours Friday evening, and about 4 hours last night, and
> ended up making 190 contacts.  I'd say my effort was 70% S and P, and 30% C
> Q ing.
> I got as far west as Colorado, Utah, and Arizona, and worked many states
> throughout the eastern half of the US.  Perhaps my best contact was ZF2DX
> from the Cayman Islands at about 10 p.m. Eastern last night.
> I was running 100 watts with my W8AMZ 160-meter half sloper.
> Wonder if anyone else was able to play in the contest?
> Tom Behler: KB8TYJ:  Big Rapids, MI