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Lloyd Rasmussen <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Lloyd Rasmussen <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 14 Jan 2015 23:28:51 -0500
text/plain (66 lines)
I have been using N1MM+ since late July under Windows 7 64-bit.  I control 
an FT950 with it, and a Rotor EZ (Idiom Press) controller from its N1MMRotor 
program.  You need at least XP Service Pack 3 to run it, and probably should 
have 2 GB or more of RAM.  I am using it with Window-Eyes, now at version 
9.0.  I have not yet tried to set up telnet, spotting, PC-controlled keying 
or digital modes.
For the main entry window, use the context menu key to remove as much 
extraneous information as you can.  If you have used Alt-N to open some 
windows, you may need sighted help to close some of them, because the act of 
moving the mouse pointer (JAWS cursor) to find a Close graphic may cause 
focus to jump back into the entry window.
In my setup, the rotor control program occupies one window, a log of the 
current contest occupies another, and the entry window is a third; all of 
these are accessible with Alt-Tab.
Getting the correct field label information when you press the Tab key is a 
recurring issue, as it was in earlier N1MM.  In the entry window, I use the 
Window-Eyes Field Label function on each field before starting a contest. 
If you don't do this, the callsign field will always be called TESTFOO, and 
the other fields will be labeled with a string of labels, and it will be the 
same string as you repeatedly tap the Tab key until you have cycled arount 
to TESTFOO again.  Once set up, your labels will stick unless some change in 
the screen layout occurs.Even if a callsign has been worked before and you 
have the correct information for him, you must press spacebar and Enter 
before the contact is logged and you can move to the next QSO.
The configuration window where you enter station data, ports, keyers, etc. 
also suffers from problems caused by you not being sure which field you are 
entering data into.  Some of the needed information is carried over when you 
load an old-version database into the program.   Also, an INI file is still 
used to hold some of the configuration information.
Having said all these negative things, I have only worked with a sighted 
person on this program once, and that was after successfully logging several 
contests and W1AW/3 operations.  I would not say that the program is less 
accessible than previous versions, but the screens are definitely more 
cluttered.  A close-to-standard K1EL keyer is recommended if you are goign 
to send CW with this program.  Audio is handled differently, too, if you 
have been using that functionality.  If possible, I would encourage you to 
work with N1MM+ and give us and the authors feedback.
If you have questions, hopefully I will answer them more promptly than this 

Lloyd Rasmussen, Kensington, MD
-----Original Message----- 
From: David W Wood
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2015 10:49 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: N1MM+

Hi All

Has anyone yet attempted to install this program?

I have, using JFW 14 on an XP Pro machine.
Although I successfully imported a database from the Classic version, and
installed the latest version of the software, I don't seem to get any
further with the setting it up.

Thoughts, hints, and guidance welcomed!


David W Wood