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Sat, 17 Oct 2015 00:31:33 -0400
The MUNIRAH Chronicle of Black Historical Events & Facts <[log in to unmask]>
The MUNIRAH Chronicle of Black Historical Events & Facts <[log in to unmask]>
The Munirah Chronicle <[log in to unmask]>
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*		 Today in Black History - October 17           *

1711 - Jupiter Hammon is born a slave on Long Island, New York. He 
	will become a poet and the first published Black writer in 
	America, a poem appearing in print in 1760. He will be 
	considered one of the founders of African American 
	literature. He will be a slave his entire life, owned by
	several generations of the Lloyd family on Long Island.
	However, he will be allowed to attend school, and unlike
	many slaves, will be able to read and write. In 1786, 
	He will give his "Address to the Negroes of the State of 
	New York" before the African Society. He will write the
	the speech at age seventy-six after a lifetime of slavery,
	and it will contain his famous quote, "If we should ever 
	get to Heaven, we shall find nobody to reproach us for 
	being Black, or for being slaves." The speech draws 
	heavily on Christian motifs and theology. For example, He
	will say that Black people should maintain their high 
	moral standards precisely because being slaves on Earth 
	had already secured their place in heaven. His speech 
	also will promote the idea of a gradual emancipation as a
	way of ending slavery. It will be thought that he stated 
	this plan because he knew that slavery was so entrenched 
	in American society that an immediate emancipation of all
	slaves would be more difficult to achieve. The speech will
	be later reprinted by several groups opposed to slavery.
	It is widely believed that he joined the ancestors in 

1787 - Boston African Americans, led by Prince Hall, submit to 
	the State Legislature in Boston, Massachusetts, a 
	petition asking for equal educational rights and 
	facilities.  The petition is not granted.

1806 - Jean Jacques Dessalines, revolutionist and Emperor of 
	Haiti, joins the ancestors as a result of an 

1817 - Samuel Ringgold Ward is born on the Eastern Shore of 
	Maryland. He will be considered one of the finest 
	abolitionist orators. He will work for the Anti-Slavery
	Society of Canada and will travel to Britain to further
	the society's work. His fundraising success in Britain 
	will provide the society to finance their support of 
	escaped slaves from the United States. After publishing
	a book that will chronicle his anti-slavery achievements,
	he will be able to retire to Jamaica, where he will join
	the ancestors in 1866.

1871 - President Grant suspends the writ of habeas corpus and 
	declares martial law in nine South Carolina counties 
	affected by Ku Klux Klan disturbances.

1888 - The first African American bank, Capital Savings Bank of
	Washington, DC, opens for business.

1894 - Ohio National Guard kills 3 members of a lynch mob while 
	rescuing an African American man.

1909 - William R. Cole is born in East Orange, New Jersey.  He 
	will become a jazz drummer best known as "Cozy Cole."  
	He will begin to play professionally as a teenager and 
	will make his first recording at age 20 with Jelly Roll 
	Morton's Red Hot Peppers. Cozy Cole will join Cab 
	Calloway's band in 1939 and will join CBS radio in 1943 
	to play in Raymond Scott's Orchestra, becoming one of 
	the first African American musicians on a network 
	musical staff.  In 1958, Cole will make a solo hit 
	record, "Topsy," that sells more than a million copies.
	He will join the ancestors on January 9, 1981.

1928 - James William "Junior" Gilliam is born in Nashville,
	Tennessee. He will become a professional baseball player 
	for the Brooklyn Dodgers and will be the National League 
	Rookie of the Year in 1953.  a key member of ten NL 
	championship teams from 1953 to 1978. The Dodgers' 
	leadoff hitter for most of the 1950s, he will score over
	100 runs in each of his first four seasons and lead the 
	National League in triples and walks once each. He will 
	be the first switch hitter since the 19th century to 
	play regularly for the Dodgers for more than three years, 
	and will later became one of the first Black coaches in 
	the major leagues. He will join the ancestors on October 
	8, 1978 in Inglewood, California after succumbing to a 
	cerebral hemorrhage.  

1956 - Mae C. Jemison is born in Decatur, Alabama. She will 
	grow up in Chicago, become a physician an NASA astronaut.
	She will become the first African American woman to travel 
	in space when she went into orbit aboard the Space Shuttle 
	Endeavour on September 12, 1992. After her medical education 
	and a brief general practice, she will serve in the Peace 
	Corps from 1985 to 1987, when she will be selected by NASA 
	to join the astronaut corps. She will resigned from NASA in 
	1993 to form a company researching the application of 
	technology to daily life. She will appear on television 
	several times, including as an actress in an episode of "Star 
	Trek: The Next Generation." She will be a dancer, and hold 
	nine honorary doctorates in science, engineering, letters, 
	and the humanities. She will become the principal of the 100 
	Year Starship organization.

1969 - Dr. Clifton R. Wharton Jr., is elected president of 
	Michigan State University and becomes the first African
	American to head a major, predominantly white university
	in the twentieth century.

1985 - Legendary jazz and blues singer Alberta Hunter joins the 
	ancestors in New York City.  She achieved fame in 
	Chicago jazz clubs in the 1920's, toured Europe in the 
	1930's and, after over 20 years of anonymity as a nurse,
	returned to performing in 1977.  

1990 - Dr. Ralph Abernathy, civil rights leader, joins the 

1991 - The 100th episode of "A Different World" airs on NBC.  
	The acclaimed show, a spin-off of "The Cosby Show" that 
	stars Jasmine Guy, Kadeem Hardison, and an ensemble of 
	young African American actors, is directed by Debbie 

           Munirah Chronicle is edited by Mr. Rene' A. Perry
              "The TRUTH shall make you free"

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