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Munirah Chronicle <[log in to unmask]>
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The MUNIRAH Chronicle of Black Historical Events & Facts <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 10 May 2008 07:13:06 -0400
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*	                Today in Black History - May 10	                *

1652 - John Johnson, a free African American, is granted 550 acres in 
	Northampton County, Virginia, for importing eleven persons to work
	as indentured servants.

1775 - Lemuel Haynes, Epheram Blackman, and Primas Black, in the first 
	aggressive action of American forces against the British, help 
	capture Fort Ticonderoga as members of Ethan Allen's Green 
	Mountain Boys.

1815 - Henry Walton Bibb is born a slave in Shelby County, Kentucky.  He 
	will escape to Canada, return to get his first wife, be recaptured 
	in Cincinnati, escape again, be recaptured again and sold into 
	slavery in New Orleans. He will be removed to Arkansas, where he 
	will escape yet again, this time for good in 1842. He will make
	his way to Detroit, Michigan and will become an active abolitionist.
	He will publish his autobiography, "Narrative of The Life and
	Adventures of Henry Bibb, an American Slave" in 1849.  This narrative
	of his life will be so suspenseful that an investigation is conducted 
	that will substantiate Bibb's account.  In 1850, the U.S. Congress 
	will pass the Fugitive Slave Act which will force his immigration to 
	Canada with his second wife. In 1851, he will found the "Voice of the 
	Fugitive", the first Black newspaper in Canada. He will join the 
	ancestors in 1854 at the age of 39.

1837 - Pinckney Benton Steward (P.B.S.) Pinchback is born near Macon,
             Georgia.  During the Civil War, he will recruit and command a 
             company of the "Corps d'Afrique," a calvary unit from Louisiana. He 
             will resign his commission in 1863 after unsuccessful demands that 
             African American officers and enlisted men be treated the same as 
             white military personnel. In 1868, he will be elected to the Louisiana 
             legislature as a Senator. In 1871, he will be elected President Pro 
             Temp of the Louisiana Senate, and will become Lieutenant Governor 
             of Louisiana in 1872 after the death of Oscar Dunn. He will serve 
             briefly (two months) as the appointed Governor.  He will be elected 
             to the U.S. Senate in 1873, but never be seated by that body, due 
             to supposed election irregularities.  After the end of Reconstruction 
             and his political career, Pinchback will use his resources to work as 
             an advocate for African Americans as Southern Democrats endeavor 
             to take away the civil rights gained by Blacks after the Civil War. He 
             will publish the newspaper "The Louisianan," using it as a venue to 
             help influence public opinion. He will also become the leader of the 
             precursor to the Associated Negro Press, the Convention of Colored 
             Newspaper Men. At the age of sixty, he will relocate to Washington, 
             DC where he will live until he joins the ancestors in 1921.

1876 - The American Centennial Exposition opens in Philadelphia, 
             Pennsylvania.  Included are works by four African American artists, 
             among them Edmonia Lewis' "The Dying Cleopatra" and Edward 
             Bannister's "Under the Oaks."  Bannister's painting will win the bronze 
             medal, a distinct and controversial achievement for the renowned 

1919 - A race riot occurs in Charleston, South Carolina.  Two African 
	Americans are killed.

1935 - Larry Williams is born in New Orleans, Louisiana. He will become a 
	Rhythm and Blues singer and will be known for his record hits "Short 
	Fat Fannie," "Bony Maronie," and "Dizzy Miss Lizzie." He will join
	the ancestors on January 7, 1980.

1936 - Jayne Cortez is born in Fort Huachuca, Arizona. She will grow up in
	the Watts section of Los Angeles, California and will marry jazz
	saxophonist Ornette Coleman in 1954. After divorcing him in 1960,
	she will study drama and poetry. She will become active in the civil 
	rights movement, registering African Americans to vote in Mississippi 
	as a worker for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. She 
	will then become a poet and performance artist that will integrate 
             the rhythms and foundations of jazz into her written works.  She will 
             found the Watts Repertory Theater and be its artistic director from
	1964 through 1970. She will establish Bola Press in New York City in
	1972 and will be a writer-in-residence at Rutgers University from 
             1977 to 1983. She will be known for her collections of poetry 
              "Pisstained Stairs and Monkey Man's Wares," "Festivals and 
              Funerals," "Coagulations: New and Selected Poems," and 
              "Somewhere in Advance of Nowhere." She will also be known for her 
              poetry reading recordings with jazz musicians "There It Is," 
              "Maintain Control," and "Taking the Blues Back Home: Poetry and 

1944 - Judith Jamison is born in Philadelphia. Pennsylvania. She will begin
	her dancing career at the age of six.  She will complete her dance 
	training at the Philadelphia Dance Company (later the University of 
	Arts). She will make her debut with the Alvin Ailey American Dance 
	Theatre in Chicago, dancing in Talley Beaty's Congo Tango Palace. 
             She will become the troupe's premier dancer in 1967 and will tour the
	world exhibiting her signature dance "Cry." She will win a Dance 
	Magazine award for her performances in 1972.  She will leave the 
             Ailey troupe in 1980 to perform on Broadway and will choreograph 
             many of her own works such as "Divining," Ancestral Rites"  
             and "Hymn." She will form the twelve member group, The Jamison 
             Project, in 1987.  After Alvin Ailey's health declines in 1988, she will 
             rejoin the Ailey troupe as artistic associate and will become artistic 
             director upon his death in 1989.  She will continue the company's 
             tradition of performing early works choreographed by African 
             Americans for many years.

1950 - Jackie Robinson appears on the cover of Life magazine.  It is the 
	first time an African American has been featured on the magazine's 
	cover in its 13-year history.

1951 - Z. Alexander Looby is the first African American elected to the 
	Nashville City Council.

1952 - Canada Lee joins the ancestors in England at the age of 45. He had 
	become an actor in 1933 after a professional boxing match left him 
	blind in one eye. He was able to be cast in non-traditional roles for 
	African Americans at a time when most were cast in stereotypical 
             parts.  He was best known for his portrayal of "Bigger Thomas" in the 
             play "Native Son" in 1940 and 1941. He was blacklisted by the House 
	Committee on Un-American Activities and the FBI for his outspoken 
             views on the stereotyping of African Americans in Hollywood and 

1962 - Southern School News reports that 246,988 or 7.6 per cent of the 
	African American pupils in public schools in seventeen Southern 
	and Border States and the District of Columbia attended integrated 
	classes in 1962.

1963 - Rev. Fred L. Shuttlesworth announces agreement on a limited 
	integration plan which will end the Birmingham demonstrations.

1974 - "Just Don't Want To Be Lonely" earns a gold record for the group, 
	The Main Ingredient.  The trio began as the Poets in 1964.  Cuba 
	Gooding is the lead singer.  (Gooding's son, Cuba Jr., will star 
	in the 1991 film "Boyz N The Hood" and will win an Academy award 
	for his role in the movie "Jerry Maguire in 1997.)  The Main 
	Ingredient's biggest hit, "Everybody Plays The Fool," will make 
	it to number three on the pop charts in 1972. 

1986 - Navy Lt. Commander Donnie Cochran becomes the first African 
             American pilot to fly with the celebrated Blue Angels precision aerial 
	demonstration team.

1994 - Nelson Mandela is inaugurated as president of South Africa. In an 
	historic exchange of power, former political prisoner Nelson
	Mandela becomes the first black president of South Africa.  In his
	acceptance speech, he says, "We enter into a covenant that we
             shall build the society in which all South Africans, both black and 
             white, will be able to walk tall, without any fear in their hearts--a
	rainbow nation at peace with itself and the world."

1998 - Jose' Francisco Pena Gomez joins the ancestors at the age of 61 in
	Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic after succumbing to pancreatic
	cancer. He had led a successful civil-military revolt in 1965 which 
	was curtailed by the interference of United States Marines sent to 
	the Dominican Republic to put down the rebellion. He was later 
             forced into exile. He later returned to the Dominican Republic and be 
	heavily involved in politics as leader of the Partido Revolucionario 
	Dominicano.  He ran for president unsuccessfully three times. 

           Munirah Chronicle is edited by Rene' A. Perry
              "The TRUTH shall make you free"

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