I use Google Calendar all the time. I do not use Outlook, so I can't
help with anything connected to that.
I have a vague memory of going into my Google Account Settings at one
point and clicking an option that says something about accessibility or
basic HTML view, but I can't swear on a stack of bibles.
The Calendar interface itself is wonky with Jaws, but once you get used
to it, it's fine.
On the main screen, I use Jaws find to locate the Create button when I
want to make a new event.
On the New Event screen, I use the letter E to jump to edit fields. From
the top of the screen, I believe the first one is Search. Then is the
event title, the next ones are the start date, start time, end time, and
end date. After that there's an edit field for inviting guests (e.g., if
you and I were collaborating, you'd use this to send me an email
notification). Location and Notes come after that. The screen has other
things, but I find it easiest to jump to the nearest edit field, then
arrow up or down from there. Save is a button near the top of the
screen, so when I'm done filling out the form, I use ctrl+home to jump
to the beginning, then b to find the buttons.
Jaws tends to get stuck in edit boxes, and it often misreads the label
for the edit box. To get unstuck, I hit the PC cursor button or the
escape key. Hitting escape sometimes brings the
do-you-want-to-continue-or-discard dialog; I click on continue. To work
around the second problem, I just arrow up to read the label. At this
point, I'm so familiar with the interface, I mostly trust that I'm where
I belong.
Since I'm an Android user, I tend to read my list of events on my phone,
but I sometimes read them on the computer. Agenda View works best.
There's is a way to set that on the computer. I remember doing it, but I
don't remember what the steps were. If you don't figure it out, I can
try to rediscover it.
Hope this helps.
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