For blind ham radio operators


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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 29 Jul 2014 23:02:34 -0500
text/plain (25 lines)
Hi Friends,
I am so excited! A fellow from the Union Illinois Lions club came out and
drilled 3 4 foot deep holes then he put 16 foot 4 by 4 timbers in the holes.
He put concrete in the holes. So, the poles should be very stable. At the
top of the poles there are eye screws that the rope goes through to raise
the dipole, near the bottom off the poles are cleats to tie of the rope. It
is a wonderful installation. 
Next I will need to order the proper coax ends for my cable and install
those. Then, tune the antenna. 
Before the Lions put in the poles, my SWR was running 30 to 31. Now, they
dropped to 10 to 14.  I suspect that with proper coax ends, the SWR will
drop even more. There is a twist and tape splice in the middle of my coax I
am needing to work out. 
According to the noise bridge, the 40 meter band is resonating around 6.6.
This should be an easy fix. Smile.
I am so happy I am bubbling. I just needed to share with you all.
God bless,
Mark (WZ0K)