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"Dr. Ronald E. Milliman" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Mon, 28 Jul 2014 20:50:47 -0500
text/plain (78 lines)
Good morning, 


We went down to Texas to pick up my Son, Mike, WB5VQX, and turned around and
came right back; it was a very whirlwind trip. However, with my Son's help,
we finally have my antenna problems figured out, and partially fixed. It
only illustrates why I hate, I mean absolutely hate, being dependent on
sighted people for assistance in situations where we just cannot do what we
have to do. For the most part, I am extremely independent, as are most all
of you, but sometimes we simply have to swallow our pride and ask for and
accept sighted assistance. For me, putting up my antennas was one of those
situations. As it turned out, I had five local ham club guys come over to
help; three of them are Extra Class ops, but it was like the five stooges.  


My Son, Mike, is also an Extra Class license holder; he earned his first
license when he was 13, like many of us. Once he and I got working together
on my antenna problem, we were able to trace it down quite quickly. The five
stooges that helped me put up my antennas mixed up the coax feedlines, and
the one they told me was for the loop turned out to be for the dual band
VHF/UHF vertical and visa versa. Then, two of the PL259 connectors they put
on my feedlines were not soldered up correctly and were shorted. So, once
Mike and I determined the connectors were shorted, we were then, able to
determine which feedline went to which antenna. Once we got a good PL259
soldered to the dual band vertical, it works perfectly. So, that problem is
solved. Next, we were able to check the coax to the loop antenna and
determined the coax was just fine. We checked the balun and determined it,
too, was just fine. However, when we disconnected the wire loop from the
balun and tested the loop itself, we discovered that the loop had infinite
resistance; that is, there is a break in the 14 gage wire making up the
loop, and it is being held together by just the vinyl insulation. I have now
ordered a 500 foot roll  of #12 gage wire to replace the wire making up the
defective wire loop, and that should solve my problem, and I should be up
and fully operational. I was able to use my talking Volt/Ohm meter for all
of the tests, and with my Son's help, we have the problems figured out,
resulting in one antenna now fully operational and the other in the process
of being replaced and fixed. 


As you can tell from the tone of my message, I am far less than content with
my ham club buddies. I think they felt obligated to help me and just wanted
to throw up the antennas and get the hell out of here. If the antennas
worked, great, but if they didn't, that was just tough shit! I've had ham
club buddies in the past from other ham clubs help me and it all work
perfectly, but these fellows seem to be cut from different cloth, as the
expression goes. 


Thank God my Son is here!! <lol>


Ron, K8HSY


Dr. Ronald E. Milliman

Retired Professor of Marketing

President: A3 Business Solutions (

President: M&M Properties

Chair: American Council of the Blind's PR Committee

Chair: American Council of the Blind's MMS Committee

President: South Central Kentucky Council of the Blind (SCKCB.ORG)