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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 25 Jul 2014 20:44:28 -0400
text/plain (248 lines)
I am not able to understand your post.  Unlike Jewish Temples, who require 
temple dues to be paid by all members.  At the cost of refusal of burial 
rights, and other religious rights, we are prohibited to make a distinction 
based on lack of funds, or unwillingness to tithe.
  We must accept as much, or as little as is the ability to pay for the 
maintenance of our schools, and Churches, and the various charities we run 
as our parishioners give to us.  Though tuition is charged for elementary 
schools.  It is kept as low as it is possible for it to be kept.  There are 
also many types of scholarships for which our children might qualify.  My 
children availed themselves of these programs.  In exchange for their 
education, I worked for the parish school, for example.  Also, because we 
are accepting non Catholics from financially embarrassed families, the 
federal government subsidizes their education as well.
Which assists somewhat to defray the cost of their education.  However, in 
exchange for such subsidize education, all religious schools must subject 
themselves somewhat to the dictates of a secular government.  Whose beliefs 
often conflict with those held by the religious institution.  Who is wanting 
to be subsidized.  Roloff evangelistic Enterprises, as an example, 
discovered how intrusive the federal government could be.  When partly 
because of an exposé done by the 60 minutes program.  When brother Roloff 
was still alive.  It attempted to take over without restraint from his 
organization his five homes for wayward individuals.  Because it conflicted 
with his care of the children in his homes.  If you recall, cost to have a 
child rehabilitated in one of those homes was far less than it would have 
been.  Had the child or adult been placed in a secular institution, and was 
considerably less than it is today.  Even allowing for the cost of living 
raises over the years.  Also the rate of recidivism was considerably less 
for graduates of his homes.  Verses that of graduates of secular 
rehabilitative programs.  If the Church goes begging, she has to often 
humiliate herself before a Godless government.  Which makes it so difficult 
for her to maintain her dignity and to maintain her principles.  This will 
be made more difficult for her employees when the Affordable Care Act 
attempts to force her to pay for all forms of employee contraception.  If 
the government succeeds, she will have to gather more money to pay for such 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Karen Carter" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2014 6:55 PM
Subject: Re: Just read the book

Our isn't. It is in the black with no fundraiser a just tythes.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 25, 2014, at 2:07 PM, Angel <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> I wish there were more people choosing to be nuns and brothers.  Who would 
> devote their lives to the teaching of our dear Catholic children.  Because 
> they made Catholic education much easier for individual families to 
> afford. Lay teachers not taking the vow of poverty, and not giving back 
> their salaries to the schools to defray the cost of educating the entire 
> person. As was once the case with our nuns and brothers.  Schools and 
> individual churches have to struggle so hard to exist.  So many of the 
> churches in which we took such comfort are now gone, and so many dear 
> children are having to be educated by secular schools these days.  Our 
> local Catholic charities program has had to cut back on so many things. 
> Because fewer are able, because of the economic crisis in which we find 
> ourselves to donate. As they once did.  Even the orthodox and Coptic 
> Christians are having to resort to fund raising methods they never had to 
> do in the past.
> Christians of every stripe are having to endure more than they ever have 
> for Jesus' name.  Which will purify his bride for the coming day of 
> judgment.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Karen Carter" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Friday, July 25, 2014 12:03 PM
> Subject: Re: Just read the book
> I would rather bring them to a church event about Jesus than have them 
> gamble their money away in the name of God.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jul 25, 2014, at 5:06 AM, Angel <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> The three branches of the Catholic Church also give millions to the world 
>> as well.  Supporting many charities, monasteries, and convents.  Since 
>> fewer these days are choosing to dedicate their lives to religious 
>> vocations, often bingo assists a good deal with the supporting of the 
>> schools attached to the parish churches.  Those who attend the games are 
>> aware of the good their support provides.  Not to mention the social 
>> outlet it provides for so many who would otherwise risk the loneliness of 
>> isolation.  I meet many such dear people as I travel to and from work. We 
>> all have the right, as did I regarding this persons publishing of his 
>> book     to not support such.  As you have chosen to do.  I will not 
>> condemn you for your choice not to want to support my Church.  In fact, I 
>> would understand your desire not to do so. Just as I have the right not 
>> to be gainsaid regarding my choice not to read or to purchase this book. 
>> I doubt I shall be afforded the same graciousness, however.  In this 
>> world, charity  among men is often lacking.
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Karen Carter" <[log in to unmask]>
>> To: <[log in to unmask]>
>> Sent: Friday, July 25, 2014 4:25 AM
>> Subject: Re: Just read the book
>> The Catholic Church makes millions everyday.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jul 24, 2014, at 9:04 PM, Pat Ferguson <[log in to unmask]> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Come on Angel, get realistick here.
>>> You know the Bible is sold and there is money made on the Holy 
>>> Scriptures, so why are you questioning rediculously, as you are, the 
>>> fact that someone has made some money on such a book.
>>> Just think of the money that has been made on the Bibles that have been 
>>> sold.
>>> And how do you know they are makingMillions?
>>> Thanks much.
>>> Many Blessings,
>>> Pat Ferguson
>>> "I can Do all Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me." Phillippians 
>>> 4:13.
>>> At 06:44 PM 7/24/2014, you wrote:
>>>> Yes I am going to continue to question the motivations of anyone who 
>>>> writes a religious book and makes more money than did those who wrote 
>>>> the original Greek and Hebrew scriptures.  Or who makes more money from 
>>>> what it is they write than did our Lord who walked this earth.  Because 
>>>> I think their basic motivation is economic gain.  I am sure economic 
>>>> gain was not the basic motivation of the biblical authors.  As for 
>>>> Catholics of all three branches of the Faith, I can't control what it 
>>>> is they read. I disagree with many who practice many things.  I don't 
>>>> object to the reading of most literature, or what passes for literature 
>>>> these days, for any reason.  But, when possible contrivance passes 
>>>> itself as fact, and is believed as such. As in stigmata, for example. I 
>>>> feel the need to criticize.  I have read many texts from various non 
>>>> Christian religions. Whose authors had what I suspect are purer 
>>>> motives, and I disbelieve their content equally.
>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Phil Scovell" 
>>>> <[log in to unmask]>
>>>> To: <[log in to unmask]>
>>>> Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2014 4:22 PM
>>>> Subject: Just read the book
>>>>> Angel,
>>>>> What are you going to do with all the Catholics who read this little 
>>>>> book, filled with Biblical and Scriptural confirmations, and believe 
>>>>> the stories are true and Biblical?  Are you going to still keep 
>>>>> belittling the family for making money or being paid for their labors. 
>>>>> Read the book, not a review.  Read the book and then come back and 
>>>>> tell us all the Biblical references used by the pastor are incorrect 
>>>>> and taken out of context.  A lot of Catholics have already read this 
>>>>> book and believe it is real.  You haven't read it and still say it 
>>>>> isn't real nor are we real for believing it's true.  I still think you 
>>>>> are just plane afraid to read it for fear of what you will find.
>>>>> Phil.
>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Angel" <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>> To: <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2014 10:18 AM
>>>>> Subject: Re: Angel, Please first read Heaven is for real: a little 
>>>>> boy's astounding story of his trip to heaven and back.
>>>>>> I read a review of the film which sprang from the book.  The review 
>>>>>> says the book is basically a father's permission for the telling and 
>>>>>> the writing of this event.  How much input did the father have in any 
>>>>>> possible altering of the Childs experiences to sell the book and the 
>>>>>> film?  How much money is being made resulting from both the book and 
>>>>>> film?  How much notoriety are both the child and his father to 
>>>>>> receive from the sales of these commercial products?  Verses, how 
>>>>>> much of the above were made by the apostles. Considering their 
>>>>>> stories were codified at least a century and a half following the 
>>>>>> death of our Lord, and not one of the apostles made a cent from the 
>>>>>> telling of their stories.  All of which I believe.  I am wondering 
>>>>>> why more of you aren't more skeptical than you all seem to be. In 
>>>>>> view of the above.  I am sure, if I came out with some book 
>>>>>> maintaining I had such an experience, many would ask about, and would 
>>>>>> wonder about the same things before they even attempted to believe my 
>>>>>> claims.  I dare say many might even be on this list.  My Faith being 
>>>>>> different than  is your Faith might be a beginning point from which 
>>>>>> your skepticism might spring. It would perhaps proceed from there. 
>>>>>> Just some other things to ponder when reading the book.  Or while 
>>>>>> viewing the film.
>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Karen Carter" <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>> To: <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2014 10:10 AM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: Angel, Please first read Heaven is for real: a little 
>>>>>> boy's astounding story of his trip to heaven and back.
>>>>>> I agree Donna
>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>> On Jul 24, 2014, at 5:56 AM, Donna Bell <[log in to unmask]> 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>> I haven't read the book yet, but I intend too.  My first  reaction 
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> what I'm reading is that this family needs our prayers, and
>>>>>>> compassion.
>>>>>>> Any book that talks  about miracles should be weighed against 
>>>>>>> scripture,
>>>>>>> but it seems like what happened to this little one is meant  to 
>>>>>>> encourage us.
>>>>>>> I haven't  walked on water, or raised the dead,  but God has saved 
>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>> life more than once, and the testimonies from these events have lead
>>>>>>> people to salvation,  which is what really matters.
>>>>>>> We'll know the book by it's fruit.  Angel, I'm  sorry you seem so 
>>>>>>> angry.
>>>>>>> Blessings,
>>>>>>> Donna
>>>>>>>> On 7/23/14, Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Then tell us everything that is theologically wrong with this 
>>>>>>>> miraculous
>>>>>>>> experience. I get the feeling you don't want to read this little 
>>>>>>>> book and
>>>>>>>> I'm wondering why.  Why do you want to argue what you believe when 
>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>> haven't read this book of a little boy's testimony confirmed by 
>>>>>>>> Scripture
>>>>>>>> from beginning to end.  Are you worried it might challenge some of 
>>>>>>>> your most
>>>>>>>> closely held beliefs?
>>>>>>>> Phil.
>>>>> Thanks much.
>>>>> Many Blessings,
>>>>> Pat Ferguson
>>>>> "I can Do all Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me." Phillippians 
>>>>> 4:13.