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howard kaufman <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Wed, 26 Nov 2014 09:33:33 -0600
text/plain (40 lines)
Except that this radio is 42 years old, and component failure is likely to
be a constant problem.
Looks a lot more expensive than buying a newer radio will be in the long
At this rate, a short run actually.

-----Original Message-----
From: For blind ham radio operators [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
On Behalf Of Michael Ryan
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 9:27 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Back to the FT-102 Hospital

Hi all:=20

Well the 102 saga continues. (frown)=20
The other night she got pretty warm rather quickly and blew a fuse =
running about 50W into my 811H, in the middle of a QSO. I'm told that =
this maybe a symptom of tube failure.=20
I'm also getting some audio ripple upon initial power up during receive =
along with VFO drift which never occurred when I 1ST got the 102 in its =
bad condition and when it came back from being restored in FLA.=20
This ripple and drift takes about 20 minutes to a half hour to settle =
down. I'm told that this could be a resistor in the VFO but like most =
things, if your sighted, you could dig into this your self. As I'm not, =
the 102 is going to have to go back to a trust worthy source and that's =
NC4L in FLA.=20
I suppose its no different than if I had an out of warranty FT-2000 or =
IC-7600 that would have to go to there respective factories for repair. =
It would be very expensive. =20
So I'll re_tube her 1 more time, send her down for work and then start =
saving my bucks for a new solid state rig but again, if something goes =
wrong with the 590/7410/FTDX-1200 out of warranty, what kind of repair =
costs are associated?=20
I think some of you have had your 590s in the shop.=20

Mike VO1AX=20