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"Alan R. Downing" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 15 Jun 2014 13:32:24 -0700
text/plain (140 lines)
Do you really think that the FCC listens to ham radio frequencies, or cares
one whit about what is said?  Those days are long gone.  Someone has to be
continuously interfering with public safety channels before they even wake
up and begin to stir.  They have no funds to police or enforce the ham


Alan R. Downing
Phoenix, AZ

-----Original Message-----
From: For blind ham radio operators [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
On Behalf Of Brandon Hennis
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2014 12:18 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Ham radio ethics in decline

So for the worst ethics I've ever found on any amateur frequency is on
that 147.435 repeater.  My Only question is, how is that even being
let go of, in other words, they are basicly getting away with using cb
lingo on an amateur frequency whether odd split or not.  I would
figure, that the fcc would have something to say about that kinda of
poor ethic.  And to phil regarding the person who wouldn't have
contacts unless he knew them personally, my thought on that is, well,
how do you know a ham till you speak to them on the air.  And he
should've acknowledged you.

On 6/13/14, Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Alan,
> I was not including you or Abeallah or any of the other guys on the
> frequency that night.  In fact, I normally hear you just fine and I heard
> you and Abeallah discussing the hardline and all your friend is buying up
> build his Florida contest station.  I was just using wayne as an example
> how many groups behavior toward new comers.  Shoot, we used to have a DX
> in Denver who refused to talk to anyone on the air he didn't know
> personally.  Knowing this, I called him each and every time I heard him
> since we weren't that far apart, I knew he could hear me.  He was a class
> jerk.  I don't work much phone these days due to problems with my voice
> I enjoy listening to the bands.  It is like the Colorado group on 3868 I
> mentioned.  Most of the guys are super nice but there are one or two that
> get carried away drinking as they operate, haha.
> Phil.
> K0NX
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Alan R. Downing" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2014 11:55 PM
> Subject: Ham radio ethics in decline
>> Hello Phil,
>> I thoroughly enjoyed all of the posts on this subject, and having gotten
>> my
>> ticket back in 1962, I concur with those who claim that ham radio is a
>> far
>> cry now from what it was back then.
>> With respect to the group on 14.208, stay away at all costs, Hi.  They
>> are
>> not friendly, and don't even think of asking them for a report.  With
>> respect to the evening group on 14.200, that is one of my main groups,
>> along
>> with our maestro, Abdallah, 9K2GS.  Abdallah is a good friend, and we
>> chat
>> both on skype and on the land line.  I have known Abdallah for years, and
>> when I was going into the hospital on a regular basis, Abdallah used to
>> call
>> me on the phone the night before surgery to wish me well.  If you want to
>> be
>> recognized in that group, please call me directly, I will have Abdallah
>> recognize you.  During the group sessions, I am in regular skype contact
>> with Abdallah, and I often tell him on skype that a weak/qrp/or mobile
>> station is calling him.  Just let me know and I will take care of it.  As
>> for Wayne, or Lumpy which is his nick name, he can be very gruff.  Having
>> said that, Wayne is one of the best DX operators on the bands.  You have
>> to
>> get to know him, which I admit can be tough, because he isn't overly
>> friendly to newcomers.  He has been both good to me and not so good,
>> HiHi.
>> Right now we are friendly with each other.
>> I look forward to seeing you on 14.200 soon.  It is a great group, with a
>> number of Middle East stations regularly onboard.  BTW, two of the
>> regulars,
>> A61R(Rashed) and A61MH(Mohamed), came to my QTH to visit me about 3 weeks
>> ago.  Rashed called me on the phone one afternoon right after Dayton, and
>> asked if he and Mohamed could drop by for a visit.  They came over and
>> visited with me for about 90 minutes, and Rashed got on 20 with my
>> station
>> and worked quite a few of the regulars.  Rashed's son attends Arizona
>> State
>> University which is why he was in Phoenix in the first place.
>> Alan/KD7GC
>> Alan R. Downing
>> Phoenix, AZ