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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 30 Sep 2014 12:53:37 -0400
text/plain (34 lines)

Yes, I have a Master's in Labor and Industrial Relations which is geared 
more toward human resource management in a unionized environment.  But, most 
programs in the U.S. at least have morphed more toward just a human 
resources degree; particular since unions only represent about 7 percent of 
the private workforce; but they are still predominant in the public sector. 
I also did a year of jail (I mean law school) at the University of Michigan. 
Both aspects have been useful.

With most careers, the formal training you get is far different from what 
you end up doing from a practical level.  I knew the basic stuff, but 
applying it in a practical setting is a lot different.

The only area I didn't do a whole lot with was workers' comp and benefits 
design and administration.  But, I did do retirement calculations and 
interpretation of benefit plans for the plant level.  I did more in the area 
of compensation; but most of my experience was in employment, affirmative 
action compliance, and labor-management negotiation/contract administration.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Colin McDonald
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 3:44 PM
Subject: Re: Not Contacting People was hard work

I think IT guys forget about the human aspect of things hi hi.  Just a
friendly jab there Scott.
Steve did you take any specific education for HR?  I went through an HR
management Diploma program a couple years ago and have been seeking
employment in the field ever since.