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Russ Kiehne <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 30 Sep 2014 07:03:40 -0700
text/plain (126 lines)
For those of you who are interested, here are four mp3's about the 4.4 

-----Original Message----- 
From: Dr. Ronald E. Milliman
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 4:24 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: VR Stream mysteriously deleted all of my podcasts

Okay, I, now, realize that you can only move specific episodes of a given
podcast to which you are subscribed over to your SD card on the VR Stream.
The service tec at Humanware told me to go to the podcast and hit the #3 key
twice; that does not work. However, if you go to a specific episode within
the podcast and hit the #3 key twice, it does allow you to move that
specific episode over to the SD card. There is a difference. In addition, it
saves it on the SD card in a general folder labeled "Saved Podcasts;
however, they are not organized by podcast. Rather, all of the saved
episodes from all of the various podcasts are just put in that folder
together. As a result, my ham radio related saved podcast episodes and my
saved fishing-related podcast episodes, and my saved science-related podcast
episodes are all mixed in together in the SD card folder labeled Saved
Podcasts. I also noticed that any editions of any newspapers you want to
move to the SD card are saved in the Talking Books folder.

The bottom line is that I still do not know what caused my VR Stream to
delete all of the podcasts to which I was subscribed, causing me to have to
go back and re-subscribe to all of them over again, starting from ground
zero. Since I don't know what caused the problem, a problem the Humanware
service tec said doesn't happen, thus, insulting me and my intelligence, I
have no way of figuring out how to prevent it from ever happening again.

For what it is worth, I have it from a very reliable source that Humanware
is aware of the problem even though they told me they had never heard of it
before and that what I described is impossible. If I didn't know better, I
would think I was dealing with the federal government in another one of its
cover-up schemes! <Frown>

Ron, K8HSY

-----Original Message-----
From: doug and sheilla emerson [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 5:10 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: VR Stream mysteriously deleted all of my podcasts

Ron and others on the list, the fellow at Human Ware told you correctly. If
you wish to movea podcast to your s d card, press the 3 key. The first time
you do, you will hear the stream say, delete podcast. Press it a second time
and you should hear it say, move podcast to s d card. When you hear that,
press the pound key which is also called the confirm key. You will hear the
stream say, press the confirm key to confirm that you want to move the
podcast. Or press any other key to cancle. Press the confirm key again. In
just a few seconds or longer, depending on the file size, you should hear it
say, successfully moved to s d card. You should find that podcast you moved
on your s d card under saved podcasts. If you follow theese steps and you
don't find it, something is wrong somewhere! I've moved several podcasts to
the inserted s d card and it works every time. I hope that this helps you,
Ron. If not, maybe you'll get a better, nicer rep should you phone them
again. 73. Doug, N6NFF Sacramento

-----Original Message-----
From: Dr. Ronald E. Milliman
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 2:50 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: VR Stream mysteriously deleted all of my podcasts

As some of you suggested, I contacted Humanware's technical service about
the problem I encountered with my VR Stream dumping all of my podcast
subscriptions and saved episodes. I ask for their help to prevent it from
happening again. I was totally shocked at the fellows response; he said that
is not possible. Podcasts just don't disappear. I told him the podcasts on
mine did, and he kept insisting that it was not possible for that to happen.
So, then, I asked him how to move my podcasts over to my SD card, and the
instructions he gave me are totally inaccurate. He told me to hit the #3 key
twice, and that doesn't work. By hitting the #3 key, it only wants to delete
the podcast episode or the entire podcast feed, depending on where I have my
VR Stream. So, needless to say, I am extremely disappointed with Humanware's
technical service. That particular fellow was/is completely incompetent!

Ron, K8HSY

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Gammon [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 12:47 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: re: VR Stream mysteriously deleted all of my podcasts

Ron, I haven't had that problem, but I have had the Stream fail to download
NLS books when I had plenty of internal memory left and also fail when
downloading podcasts.  I have reported both issues to [log in to unmask]
I encourage  you to do the same.
I reported those issues over the weekend so haven't heard back from them
yet.  73, Jim WA6EKS
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dr.  Ronald E.  Milliman" <[log in to unmask]
To: [log in to unmask]
Date sent: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 08:16:17 -0500
Subject: VR Stream mysteriously deleted all of my podcasts

This morning my VR Stream mysteriously deleted all of my podcasts.  They
were all there; then, I shut it off, and when I turned it back on again, all
of my podcasts were gone.  I had subscribed to and saved numerous ham radio
related podcasts that I was listening to, and now, everyone of them is gone,
vanished, disappeared, dumped!

Have any of you had this happen to you? If so, do you know what caused it
and how to prevent it from happening again? I suspect it has something to do
with having them all in my internal memory rather than transferred over to
the SD card.

Ron, K8HSY

Dr.  Ronald E.  Milliman

Retired Professor of Marketing