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Butch Bussen <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 12 Sep 2014 12:44:42 -0700
TEXT/PLAIN (406 lines)
Ye[p, just go for it.  When I got my general, way back in 1968, I 
borrowed an hw 12, a portable antenna made out of zip cord.  I hung it 
up on my tower, tied each end to a tent stake and ran the coax to the 
rig.  I didn't know what s w r was and didn't have a way to measure it. 
I just got on the air and had a ball.  What fun!!!
Node 3148
Wallace, ks.

On Fri, 12 Sep 2014, 
Steve Dresser wrote:

> A long time ago, I read somewhere that anything within 1000 feet of an =
> antenna will change its characteristics.  After that, I decided not to =
> worry too much about all the theory.  Obviously, we should do the best =
> we can, but as others have pointed out, if you spend all your time =
> agonizing over getting it right, you'll never get on the air.  Most of =
> us (myself included) never come close to having the ideal antenna =
> situation.
> Steve
> ----- Original Message -----=20
> From: "John Miller" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 10:51
> Subject: Re: the Effect of Non-symmetrical Radials on Radiation Patterns
>> You're not going to notice it all that much if the radials aren't the =
> same=20
>> all the way around, differences in direction will be very slight at =
> best. I=20
>> think I notice my metal house in the way more than I do the fact that =
> I have=20
>> different length radials.
>> ----- Original Message -----=20
>> From: "Richard B McDonald" <[log in to unmask]>
>> To: <[log in to unmask]>
>> Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 9:40 AM
>> Subject: Re: the Effect of Non-symmetrical Radials on Radiation =
> Patterns
>> =20
>> =20
>>> Hi Perry!
>>> Thanks for your below.  Yeah, I am a little worried about radial =
> symmetry.
>>> My radial pattern will be a bit more bowtie in shape rather than a =
> circle.
>>> Regrettably, space limitations cause this : (  Do you have any ideas =
> on=20
>>> how
>>> to go about addressing that so as to improve the effective radiation
>>> (transmition?) pattern?
>>> 73,
>>> Richard KK6MRH
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: [log in to unmask]
>>> [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
>>> Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 9:26 PM
>>> To: [log in to unmask]
>>> Subject: RE: [KenwoodTS-2000] TS-2000 Internal Antenna Tuner Basics & =
> the
>>> Effect of Radials on SWR
>>> The radials should be about a quarter wavelength on each band of =
> interest.
>>> You can actually get by with shorter lengths as the "ground" will =
> tend to
>>> shorten the physical length needed for an electrical quarter =
> wavelength.
>>> Most studies show that you need a minimum of 16 radials for each band =
> is
>>> needed for best performance. SWR is just one measurement of the =
> antenna's
>>> efficiency. Radiation resistance is the other and is highly dependent =
> on=20
>>> the
>>> radial field.
>>> I'd scrap the metal mesh as steel isn't the best conductor and will =
> be a
>>> pain to lay. Also shielded wire is a waste. Just use 12 gauge THHN =
> (your
>>> electrician friend should be able to get that) insulated copper wire.
>>> Actually anything bigger than 20 gauge or so is OK. You can use an
>>> electrical panel grounding tie strip to connect all the radials to =
> the
>>> antenna's grounded base. The radial can just be laid on the ground =
> and
>>> fastened down with "weed stop" fabric "staples" that look like =
> oversized
>>> hair pins. You can even make your own from stiff wire. In a few =
> weeks, the
>>> grass will have covered the wires.
>>> Any none symmetry of the radial field will tend to skew the antenna's
>>> pattern in the direction of the best radial coverage.
>>> Perry K4PWO
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: [log in to unmask]
>>> [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
>>> Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 9:43 AM
>>> To: Richard B McDonald
>>> Subject: [KenwoodTS-2000] TS-2000 Internal Antenna Tuner Basics & the =
>>> Effect
>>> of Radials on SWR
>>> Hi Steve! Your question (below) about my radial system leads me to =
> ask
>>> everyone the following question: Is SWR affected by radials? =
> Presently, I
>>> seem to have some trouble successfully using the TS-2000's internal=20
>>> antenna
>>> tuner. I seem to always get a "SWR" CW squawk : ( I *think* I should =
> get=20
>>> an
>>> "A" CW squawk when the tuning was successful. Isn't that right? The
>>> following is a bit more background.
>>> Right now, *no* radials are laid-in. I have purchased all the =
> materials=20
>>> for
>>> my radial system and made a plan, but I have not yet had time with my
>>> electrician friend (sighted) to lay it in. So far, just getting up =
> this 43
>>> foot 160M - 6M vertical and laying in the ~75 feet LMR-400 coaxial =
> feed=20
>>> line
>>> has been a fair amount of work. My radials will be the final step; =
> and=20
>>> that
>>> should happen within a few days. The radial system *will be* the=20
>>> following:
>>> * 10'X4'W 19 gauge galvanized steel industrial mesh, centered at the =
> base=20
>>> of
>>> the antenna
>>> * 4 ~43' 14 gauge shielded copper wires
>>> * About 8 ~7' random length radials like the last item
>>> * I may also connect to my neighbor's adjacent chain link fence ; )
>>> For now, I cannot even tell you what, exactly, my SWR is. My wife=20
>>> (sighted)
>>> cannot understand how to read the SWR meter (girls ; )). I will need =
> a man
>>> to explain it to her; so she might then be able to tell me what it =
> says if=20
>>> I
>>> were to ask her to read it for me.
>>> All of the foregoing are, I suppose, a result of my inexperience and=20
>>> normal
>>> learning curve growing pains attendant with being brand new to all =
> this :=20
>>> (
>>> So, all the advice I can get is greatly appreciated.
>>> 73,
>>> Richard KK6MRH
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: For blind ham radio operators =
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
>>> On Behalf Of Steve Forst
>>> Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 7:15 AM
>>> To: [log in to unmask]
>>> Subject: Re: TS-2000 Internal Antenna Tuner & Mode Basics on 6M
>>> Richard,
>>> Just curious. What kind of radial system were you able to put under =
> the
>>> vertical?
>>> 73, Steve KW3A
>>> On 9/10/2014 9:54 AM, Richard B McDonald wrote:
>>>> Hi Steve!
>>>> Thanks so much for your below. This is very helpful. I *totally* =
> will
>>>> soon upgrade to "General." The contest you mention below will allow =
> me
>>>> to trial-and-error my way around my HF antenna. I will report
>>> back about it.
>>>> 73,
>>>> Richard KK6MRH
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: For blind ham radio operators
>>>> [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
>>>> On Behalf Of Steve Forst
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 4:30 AM
>>>> To: [log in to unmask]
>>>> Subject: Re: TS-2000 Internal Antenna Tuner & Mode Basics on 6M
>>>> Richard,
>>>> I'm not much of a 6 meter guy, although my new antenna will work on =
> 6.
>>>> For what it's worth there is a VHF contest this weekend, starting at
>>>> 1800 UTC Saturday. I don't think you work CW, so most of the "good"
>>>> stuff will be USB with the main calling frequency at 50.125. Most of
>>>> the folks will be using horizontal antennas, but there is no reason
>>>> you can't make some contacts with your antenna. The other station =
> will
>>>> just want your 4 digit grid square.
>>>> You may also hear 2 meter USB around 144.200 for this contest.
>>>> As time goes on, you will learn what modes are used where and when =
> and
>>>> so be in the proper mode at the proper place.
>>>> How is the antenna working? Since you do have a tech license, there
>>>> are places in the HF band where you can check it out and see how it
>>> works.
>>>> Maybe prowling around the bands will entice you to upgrade.
>>>> 73, Steve KW3A
>>>> On 9/8/2014 12:21 PM, Richard B McDonald wrote:
>>>>> Hi!
>>>>> I just got my 6M - 160M 43 foot vertical antenna up, and am now =
> ready
>>>>> to explore HF for my first time. I want to start with the 6M band;
>>>>> since I
>>>> am
>>>>> only a technician for now. I have a Kenwood TS-2000. My questions
>>>>> relate to 1) use of the internal antenna tuner and 2) what mode to =
> be
>>>>> in while scanning through the band listening for activity.
>>>>> About the internal antenna tuner, I know "SWR" in CW sounds if no
>>>>> match
>>>> can
>>>>> be found, but what should I hear if the tuning was successful? =
> Also,
>>>>> is tuning only necessary before transmitting but not for receiving
>>>>> (just listening)? Basically, what's the best way to employ the
>>>>> internal antenna tuner?
>>>>> About "scanning" what I mean here is manually dialing through the
>>>>> band -
>>>> not
>>>>> auto scanning of any sort. So, when doing this what mode (e.g., AM,
>>>>> FM, USB, LSB) should I be in to best hear some activity? Also, am I
>>>>> correct that once I hear something I can then switch among these
>>>>> modes so as to better tune-in the activity?
>>>>> Many thanks! This is all new to me; so any tricks are greatly
>>>> appreciated.
>>>>> This is especially so for how best to use the internal antenna =
> tuner!
>>>>> 73,
>>>>> Richard KK6MRH
>>> ------------------------------------
>>> Posted by: "Richard B McDonald" <[log in to unmask]>
>>> ------------------------------------
>>> ------------------------------------
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