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John Miller <[log in to unmask]>
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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 2 Sep 2014 11:19:12 -0400
text/plain (71 lines)
The 102 should be fine, in fact you don't want to go too easy on the tubes 
so if anything you're on that side of it. I used to use a TS-830 for the 
little contesting I used to do and never hurt it and I ran that full power 
out the whole time all modes. Tubes will take a lot more abuse as far as SWR 
goes, with solid state really much over 1.5:1 is not good but that's why the 
roll back and antenna tuners are so common. Roll back protection is a 
wonderful thing for saving the finals but it only prolongs it, it won't save 
them so don't count on it to save the finals, for example don't run with a 
2:1 SWR all the time thinking that will save you because the power's back, 
they will still blow eventually, with a tuner the radio's happy and that 
will save them. The newer radios have so much heat sink to them you'd 
probably know long before you over heat one, not to mention you can hear the 
fan cycle on and off and most have fans with 2 or 3 speeds or 2 or 3 fans. I 
know my TS-2000 has multiple speeds for the fan and I can't remember even as 
often and hard as I run it on a regular basis the last time the fan got to 
the faster setting and on my TS-570 I had before this, same thing except 
that fan didn't come on unless the radio was hot and it really took a lot to 
make that fan come on. I'm sure contesting would do it but with all the heat 
sink in these radios, it's very hard to overheat one, at least a Kentwood 
and the bitter Icoms. I know you can overheat an IC-706 and I know plenty of 
people who have overheated yaesu radios, newer ones anyway, but either radio 
with what you want to do you should be fine. You can't worry about them 
breaking all the time, if you do you end up like when I used to have 6 or 7 
radios around and 5 just sitting doing nothing because there's no room on 
the desk. Now due to financial problems I have the TS-2000 and the IC-706 
which I'd love to trade for another Kentwood radio so my accessories all 
work and that is it. I still run the TS-2000 daily and hard at times and 
it's been fine, the only problem it had was a known one for a certain range 
of serial numbers it fell dead center of.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael Ryan" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2014 10:06 AM
Subject: Tubes VS solid state devices

> Hi all:=20
> I'm mostly an SSB op, currently running an Ameritron 811H amp, driving =
> it with a typical 45/50W of drive.=20
> Should I really be concerned about hurting the 102's tubes with an =
> extended period of operating? I'm thinking of the CQWW SSB contest in =
> October.=20
> I played in the ARRL's International DX Phone contest back in march with =
> no ill affects to my 102 but some of my friends have been recommending =
> that I shouldn't do that again and I dodged a bullet.=20
> Considering that a good set of 6146s can dissipate a combined 100W, I =
> don't think I'm coming even remotely close to that at 45/50W in tune/CW =
> mode, with an SWR of 1.0/1 and 0 reflected power based on my TW-1's =
> announcements. .=20
> After getting that 45/50W in tune mode, I switch to SSB and control the =
> amp's output with the mic gain and ALC control. In SSB, I'm just peaking =
> over 600W. The amp is rated at 600W CW and 800W SSB.=20
> I'm also thinking of when this transceiver was brand new in the early =
> 80s. Wouldn't owners spend hours operating in all capable modes at the =
> time? Running various amps, not exactly resonant antennas and the 
> like?=20=
> I do have a backup rig but how my 102 performed in the last contest, =
> makes me want to use her again. The filtering was absolutely fantastic =
> and I got outstanding audio complements, opping with a Heil Pro Micro =
> Duel with the HC-6 element and 500/600W amp.=20
> With a solid state rig, they employ a roll back for SWR protection but =
> when operating for long hours can they handle the beating that tubes =
> can? Let's say if the rollback and cooling fails, how much beating would =
> they take?=20
> 73:=20
> Mike VO1AX=20