I'd love one of these but the space just doesn't seem to work.
In addition to the ground system remember that the antenna isn't
self supporting so you will need guide ropes to keep the thing up
in the winter.
As for supports back when I was young and strong I used a 30 foot
flag pole for my t a 33 beam. Worked quite well until I got
greeddy and wanted more height.
As for the lot dimentions that were given by the party looking
for antennna suggestions, I hope we aren't confusing yards and
feet. Given the dimentions you gave unless you have power lines
in bad places you should be able to put up just about anything
other than 160 meters. I'd recommend both a vertical and some
type of dipole. Just because an antenna will resonate on 80
meters doesn't mean you will be happy with the performance.
Still a bit unclear as to how usable the steppir is without a ham
pod. That might be worth further investigation.
Best of luck
sent from my braille note