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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 12 Sep 2014 06:28:54 -0700
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Richard B McDonald <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (380 lines)
Hi Kelvin!

Yesterday I put a mere two 7' radials on the antenna, and now it's working!
: )  These are the only radials on it right now, but this morning I am going
to add two 43' radials.  For now, I am doing it sloppily (eyesight).  When
my friend comes back to help me, we'll make it tight and right.
Progressively, I'll add more and more radials.  With just these two 7'
radials, it can tune between ~ 10M - ~40M.

Richard KK6MRH

-----Original Message-----
From: [log in to unmask]
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] 
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 1:51 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [Active-Elements] RE: TS-2000 Internal Antenna Tuner Basics & the
Effect of Radials on SWR


Hi Richard,


Putting down radials is good!  In effect, you are trying to hide the lossy
ground from the antenna, so the return paths are at an absolute minimum.  If
your radials are laid on the ground or more commonly buried by a few inches,
they will be detuned, and so cutting to a resonant frequency is somewhat
unnecessary.  If your radials are elevated, then resonance is important, but
I don't know about multi-band verticals <smile>, I guess you need to have
resonant lengths for each band.  I don't know what space you have available,
but just get as much wire down as you can.


In answer to your question, yes, the addition of radials will certainly
change the SWR and improve the performance.  I would forget connecting to
the neighbour's fence, as this will do nothing for either RX or TX.


On the 43 foot vertical, I seem to remember the complete 6M to 160M range
was not available, without lengthening or shortening the antenna.  I think
you needed to decide if you wanted 20M through 6M, and these bands would not
tune if the maximum length was used for 160?


73, Kelvin M0AID


Hi Steve!  Your question (below) about my radial system leads me to ask
everyone the following question: Is SWR affected by radials?  Presently, I
seem to have some trouble successfully using the TS-2000's internal antenna
tuner.  I seem to always get a "SWR" CW squawk : (  I *think* I should get
an "A" CW squawk when the tuning was successful. Isn't that right?  The
following is a bit more background.


Right now, *no* radials are laid-in.  I have purchased all the materials for
my radial system and made a plan, but I have not yet had time with my
electrician friend (sighted) to lay it in.  So far, just getting up this 43
foot 160M - 6M vertical and laying in the ~75 feet LMR-400 coaxial feed line
has been a fair amount of work.  My radials will be the final step; and that
should happen within a few days.  The radial system *will be* the following:


* 10'X4'W 19 gauge galvanized steel industrial mesh, centered at the base of
the antenna

* 4 ~43' 14 gauge shielded copper wires

* About 8 ~7' random length radials like the last item

* I may also connect to my neighbor's adjacent chain link fence ; )


For now, I cannot even tell you what, exactly, my SWR is.  My wife (sighted)
cannot understand how to read the SWR meter (girls ; )).  I will need a man
to explain it to her; so she might then be able to tell me what it says if I
were to ask her to read it for me.


All of the foregoing are, I suppose, a result of my inexperience and normal
learning curve growing pains attendant with being brand new to all this : (
So, all the advice I can get is greatly appreciated.



Richard KK6MRH


-----Original Message-----

From: For blind ham radio operators [mailto:[log in to unmask]]

On Behalf Of Steve Forst

Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 7:15 AM

To: [log in to unmask]

Subject: Re: TS-2000 Internal Antenna Tuner & Mode Basics on 6M




Just curious.  What kind of radial system were you able to put under the


73, Steve KW3A


On 9/10/2014 9:54 AM, Richard B McDonald wrote:

> Hi Steve!


> Thanks so much for your below.  This is very helpful.  I *totally*

> will soon upgrade to "General."  The contest you mention below will

> allow me to trial-and-error my way around my HF antenna.  I will

> report

back about it.


> 73,

> Richard KK6MRH


> -----Original Message-----

> From: For blind ham radio operators

> [mailto:[log in to unmask]]

> On Behalf Of Steve Forst

> Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 4:30 AM

> To: [log in to unmask]

> Subject: Re: TS-2000 Internal Antenna Tuner & Mode Basics on 6M


> Richard,


> I'm not much of a 6 meter guy, although my new antenna will work on 6.

> For what it's worth there is a VHF contest this weekend, starting at

> 1800 UTC Saturday.   I don't think you work CW, so most of the  "good"

> stuff will be USB with the main calling frequency at 50.125.    Most of

> the folks will be using horizontal antennas, but there is no reason 
> you

> can't make some contacts with your antenna.     The other station will

> just want your 4 digit grid square.



> You may also hear 2 meter USB around 144.200 for this contest.


> As time goes on, you will learn what modes are used where and when and

> so be in the proper mode at the proper place.



> How is the antenna working?   Since you do have a tech license, there

> are places in the HF band where you can check it out and see  how it


>     Maybe prowling around the bands will entice you to upgrade.


> 73, Steve KW3A






> On 9/8/2014 12:21 PM, Richard B McDonald wrote:

>> Hi!




>> I just got my 6M - 160M 43 foot vertical antenna up, and am now ready

>> to explore HF for my first time.  I want to start with the 6M band;

>> since I

> am

>> only a technician for now.  I have a Kenwood TS-2000.  My questions

>> relate to 1) use of the internal antenna tuner and 2) what mode to be

>> in while scanning through the band listening for activity.




>> About the internal antenna tuner, I know "SWR" in CW sounds if no

>> match

> can

>> be found, but what should I hear if the tuning was successful?  Also,

>> is tuning only necessary before transmitting but not for receiving

>> (just listening)?  Basically, what's the best way to employ the

>> internal antenna tuner?




>> About "scanning" what I mean here is manually dialing through the

>> band -

> not

>> auto scanning of any sort.  So, when doing this what mode (e.g., AM,

>> FM, USB, LSB) should I be in to best hear some activity?  Also, am I

>> correct that once I hear something I can then switch among these

>> modes so as to better tune-in the activity?




>> Many thanks!  This is all new to me; so any tricks are greatly

> appreciated.

>> This is especially so for how best to use the internal antenna tuner!




>> 73,


>> Richard KK6MRH











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