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Jim Shaffer <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 22 Jun 2014 08:14:52 -0500
text/plain (88 lines)
David, I also live in an antenna restricted HOA.  I can have an antenna up 
to 30 feet high, so the 29 footer works fine for me.  As for radials, I'm 
using insulated wire, although uninsulated might work better, I don't really 
know.  I don't know about installing the flag pole antenna though.  For my 
vertical, we put a pole about 3.5 feet in the ground with about 1.5 bags of 
sac-crete around it.  As for burying the radials, I didn't do that.  I was 
able to stake the radials down using chain-link fence ties, which look like 
the print letter J.
Jim, KE5AL
-----Original Message----- 
From: David Pearson
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2014 11:49 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: experiment, and question

Hello Jim(ke5al):

Thanks for the positive feedback on your Zero Five vertical.  I mention the
flagpole model because I'm living in a strict HOA(no outdoor antennas
allowed)community but I understand that there's a Federal law(signed by one
of the Bushs which prevents hoas from restricting the flying of the American
flag.  His 30 foot model has received very positive reviews on eham, but is
a bit pricey at the moment, but  seems to be a viable way to elude the hoa.

I don't have any real interest in 6 meters at the time(10-40) would suit me
just fine.

Please describe the installation/mounting process of your vertical(I believe
that no written instructions are included with his flagpole.

With regard to antenna radials, is insulated wire as effective as bare, and
do they need to be coupled to each other?  I'm pretty sure that I would have
to "bury a radial system to allow for lawn maintenance.(probably the
feedline as well).

I own a Kenwood ts-590s hf transceiverwith the VGS-1 voice guide installed.
The radio has a built-in internal auto tuner(heard various opinions
regarding  its tuning abilities), so am interested in the kt-100 auto tuner,
which is specifically designed to be compatible with the Kenwood(it's
supposedly a better tuner, and also allows you to tune from the radio's AT
button located on the front panel, and still provides the aural feedback(go,
or no go ) sounds when attempting a tuning match.

73, and end of "novel.

David S. Pearson-wa4dsp


-----Original Message----- 
From: Jim Shaffer
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2014 10:24 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: experiment, and question

David, it reads fine.

As for the Zerofive flag pole, I don't have one, but I'm using his 29 foot
vertical for 6 through 80 meters.  It works fine for me, and I have no
complaints about it.  I have it ground mounted with 4 29 foot radials.
Jim, KE5AL

-----Original Message----- 
From: David Pearson
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2014 5:12 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: experiment, and question

Hello list:

First off, I'm sending this message to seeif it "posts" in a readable plain
text format(previous attempts have resulted in "junk" characters/symbols).

Second, I'd also like to hear from anyone using a Zero Five flagpole antenna
with their rig(height, resonant bands, how fed, and tuned), as well as any
other positive/negative opinions you may have.

Best regards,

David S. Pearson-wa4dsp