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John Miller <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 10 Feb 2014 19:06:40 -0500
text/plain (153 lines)
He didn't say he wouldn't change anything, just not move the list. If 
someone sends him instructions on how to fix the list, if I read his email 
right, he'll give it a shot. I can't blame him, moving a list like this is a 
huge project and then you get weeks of complaints because someone set to 
digest ends up getting all email, someone getting no mail ends up getting 
email, the new list is blocked by someone's spam filter. It's not as easy as 
most would think, I've done it and once even said "forget it mid way through 
and went back to yahoogroups where that list sits to this day because plain 
and simple, it's more trouble than it's worth to move it.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lou Kolb" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 5:34 PM
Subject: Re: Just keep the list muddling along as is.

> QSL!  Howard's position was very well stated and I agree with it 
> completely!
> But the issue with the listserv not handling certain text forms is a 
> vexing
> one and affects the whole list as we all try to read what they post. It 
> may
> be moot, however if Ken does not want to change anything and, as list 
> owner
> and moderator, that is his prerogative. I shall now try not to say 
> anything
> further on this subject.
> Lou Kolb
> Voice-over Artist:
> Radio/TV Ads, Video narrations
> Messages On-hold:
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Jim Gammon" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 5:02 PM
> Subject: Just keep the list muddling along as is.
>> Amen Howard, thanks for your posting about this.  I agree with
>> you and think that the list should just muddle along as it is now
>> with occasional wonderings off topic but sticking mainly to ham
>> and other radio related issues.  73, Jim WA6EKS
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Howard, W A 9 Y B W" <[log in to unmask]
>> To: [log in to unmask]
>> Date sent: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 15:39:24 -0600
>> Subject: OT Off topic item posts
>> While at times the list does wander away from Amateur Radio, for
>> me that's
>> OK, sometimes it is a nice diversion.
>> In general Hams are more knowledgeable in many areas of
>> technology than the
>> typical John Doe.
>> When the Victor Reader Stream came out I subscribed to the Stream
>> e-mail
>> list and it was full of a bunch of nuts and there were 100 to 200
>> messages
>> per day and few of them contained anything worthwhile in my
>> opinion.
>> What little discussion was had here on the Stream or talking
>> thermostat was
>> in general interesting.
>> It isn't practical to have a list for every piece of equipment we
>> might own
>> or acquire.
>> When the occasional off-topic item comes up, it gives some of us
>> an
>> opportunity to help someone.
>> While some of you may talk about huge Delta loop antennas or Icom
>> equipment,
>> I have no interest in those subjects and find them just as much a
>> bother as
>> the occasional so-called -off-topic item.
>> I like and collect R.L.  Drake equipment and while it is Ham
>> Radio, you all
>> would get tired of me posting dozens of posts on that subject.
>> Folks, lighten-up and use this list to learn something outside
>> your little
>> world of Ham Radio and take the opportunity to help someone who
>> is having a
>> problem or is looking for information.
>> Sorry I got on my soapbox.
>> To get back to Ham Radio, 73 to all of you!
>> Howard #3
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Howard Kaufman" <[log in to unmask]
>> To: <[log in to unmask]
>> Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 6:01 AM
>> Subject: Re: New blind-hams list?
>> Relax guys!
>> On ham radio many things are talked about besides antennas and
>> radios.  If
>> we need fast reliable and helpful information, putting the words
>> "off
>> topic"
>> in the subject line, both helps those who don't want to talk
>> about
>> anything
>> except radios amplifiers and antennas, and also gives you back
>> fast
>> helpful
>> information.  Besides I get my information back from people I
>> trust.
>> If the problem can be solved here, we stay here.  If not, we
>> move.  Just
>> like a net and QRM.
>> Their is a problem and it affects all of us.  Some by sending
>> and others
>> by
>> reading.
>> Personally, I wouldn't be comfortable with a list that allowed
>> any e-mail
>> attachments.  A virus can attack an address book, and bang!
>> there you are.
>> Their is nothing that prevents a person from using a sendspace
>> or dropbox
>> link for a file.  The other thing is to just take a few seconds
>> to dig the
>> address you want to send something to, out of the message
>> header.
>> For me, the goal is to keep this community together.  What ever
>> allows
>> that
>> to happen is the means to that goal.
>> ---
>> This email is free from viruses and malware because avast!
>> Antivirus
>> protection is active.