For blind ham radio operators


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Michael Thurman <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 18 Feb 2014 19:28:00 -0500
text/plain (70 lines)
oops I mean two to three feet  wide diameter 

On Feb 18, 2014, at 5:24 PM, Michael Thurman <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> do not abandon all hope=85 some people have made very good use of =
> magnetic loop antennas which are 2 to 3 feet apart. I have used one =
> myself that a friend had set up for a jamboree on the air event and was =
> amazed at how well it did and how easy it was to put up and use. tuning =
> it was a bit of a challenge, but with the audible meters that are =
> available, which I did not know autbefore, they become a viable option. =
> Several companies made these loops and associated control boxes to drive =
> their tuning capacitors. The one that I used got you in the ballpark =
> with an auto tune button  then you just tapped the up or down buttons to =
> get the match perfect. At iota I had too much dx, instead of not enough =
> actually., and if you mount one of those loops on eye instead of =
> horizontally you can null out noise with it as well.
> On Feb 18, 2014, at 3:16 PM, Alan R. Downing <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> I believe that a number of list members are currently using the =
> winkeyer,
>> and I am in the process of having one assembled for me.  I believe =
> that CW
>> can be sent with a keyboard plugged directly into the winkeyer, or it =
> can be
>> sent from the computer keyboard if the winkeyer is plugged into the =
> computer
>> via USB cable.
>> =20
>> As for you statement concerning ease of sending Vs. receiving, I =
> totally
>> disagree with you.  I can copy far better than I can send due to =
> shakiness
>> in my right hand due to extensive use of powerful narcotic pain =
> killers.
>> With luck, I will be on the air with my winkeyer in a few more days.  =
> Also,
>> if you think that you do well working CW barefoot, try working CW with =
> 1500
>> watts!
>> =20
>> 73
>> =20
>> =20
>> Alan R. Downing
>> Phoenix, AZ
>> =20
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: For blind ham radio operators =
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
>> On Behalf Of richard fiorello
>> Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 12:57 PM
>> To: [log in to unmask]
>> Subject: win-keyer
>> =20
>> Hi;
>> I'm totally clewless about this keyer.  Sounds like it lets you=20
>> send c w via a keyboard.  Sending isn't nearly as hard as=20
>> receiveing.  Has anyone successfully used software to decode c w?=20
>> Fortunately or unfortunately I think you can do very much more=20
>> with 100 wats and c w rather than phone.
>> As for buying a house where you can put up an h f antenna, make=20
>> certain you take a trusted ham with you.  I was told that this=20
>> house should be no problem.  unfortunately they neglected to=20
>> notice or mention the power line that goes diagnally across my=20
>> yard.
>> buyer be ware
>> richard
>> sent from my braille note