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Thu, 29 Nov 2012 10:14:27 -0800
text/plain (30 lines)
Hi All,

I'm having trouble opening the PDF files I find on the net. Firefox is 
my default browser. When I click on a link to a PDF file, a dialog pops 
up asking if I'd like to open the file. I rarely get the option to save. 
When I click on OK or Open (don't remember what it is exactly), Adobe 
Reader appears to launch because I get the dialog that asks if I want to 
infer reading order, etc., and tells me I won't be able to use my 
assistive technology while the document is being analyzed. After that, I 
hear progress messages like, "processing page 3 of 40" and "processing 
page 10 of 40," but I never actually find an open document, and when I 
use alt+tab, I never find Adobe Reader as one of the active 
applications. I haven't found any of the documents anywhere, and the 
download box doesn't open, so I don't think the files are being saved 

What do I need to do to actually read the files? Any thoughts?

I'm using windows 7 and Jaws 13. firefox is up to date. The Adobe on my 
sistem says X.


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