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Robert Ringwald <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 3 Jun 2014 16:46:49 -0700
text/plain (181 lines)
From: Michael Thurman 
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2014 1:36 PM
To: [log in to unmask] 
Subject: Re: Windows Support Will be Available After April 8, But Not For You

wow  this message must hav been hanging around LOL

embeded point of sale windows xp systems get support till 2019 and all =
of those patches WILL  work on xp if ou can get yu hands on them, also =
most of th server 2003 patches work fine on xp home, not that I care =
since I am not insane about throwing away windows xp because of some =
perceived threat. I have never had a virus or malware on MY system and =
never run anti virus either. I have checked it of course, but have never =
had an issue except when a friend shoved a disk in my computer and =
infected me. viruses and malware are largely a problem of not clicking =
on stupid trash. If you receive an attachment KNOW why you are getting =
it before you open it    It is common sense

On Jun 3, 2014, at 2:28 PM, Robert Ringwald <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hope this comes out as plain text.
> -Bob Ringwald K6Y B V
> =
> Windows XP support will be available after April 8=97just not for you
> Mark Hachman Senior Editor, PCWorld
> Follow me on Twitter
> Follow me on Google+
> On Tuesday night, the United Kingdom=92s Prime Minister, David =
Cameron, will
> go to
> sleep secure in the knowledge that his government=92s Windows XP PCs =
won=92t be
> hacked
> the next day. That doesn=92t mean you will.
> Meet Microsoft=92s Custom Support for Windows XP, described as a =
> effort
> for big businesses to quite literally buy some more time to migrate =
> Windows
> XP to a more modern operating system. The U.K.
> paid 5.548 million pounds
> to Microsoft for an additional year of support to maintain critical =
> important
> security updates for Windows XP, Office 2003, and Exchange 2003. =
> Microsoft
> plans to
> end support for Windows XP
> by April 8.
> Microsoft has been warning about the demise of Windows XP support =
> September,
> 2007, and Custom Support will extract a heavy toll from businesses =
that were
> too
> slow to act: up to $5 million per year (according to a report from =
> negotiated
> on a custom, per-company basis. Last year,
> Gartner issued a report
> claiming that the prices could go as high as $200 per PC, per year. =
The firm
> called
> such prices =93punitive=94.
> =93While many customers have already completed their migrations to a =
> OS, some
> large customers with complex Windows XP deployments may not have their
> migrations
> complete by April 8,=94 a Microsoft spokeswoman said in a statement. =
=93To help
> those
> customers, we offer Custom Support for Windows XP as a temporary, last
> resort to
> help bridge the gap during a migration process to a modern OS, as the =
> technologies
> provide the optimal chance to be and stay secure.  We are sure that =
> customers
> are taking the necessary steps to protect their customers.=94
> But that still provides an out to those who can=92t facilitate a =
> According
> to one report, for example, over
> 400,000 ATMs were running Windows XP
> earlier this year, owned by a variety of banks who no doubt can afford =
> pay for
> a support extension. In March, a month before the deadline,
> 27.7 percent of all PCs tracked by NetApplications
> ran Windows XP.
> According to Microsoft, Custom Support requires an active Premier =
> agreement,
> and customers should work with their Microsoft Account Representative
> regarding their
> Custom Support options for Windows XP. According to the company, =
> Support is
> designed for customers who need a bit more time to complete their =
Windows XP
> migrations,
> not as a way to extend life to an expired product. Customers must have =
> migration
> plan with quarterly deployment milestones and a project completion end =
> in order
> to be accepted into the Custom Support program.
> And, to be specific,=94there is not a consumer equivalent=94 of Custom =
> Microsoft
> confirmed.
> Should consumers get the same break?
> To date, Microsoft has given no indication that it will extend =
> support for
> Windows XP after the April 8 deadline, even though it has
> extended anti-malware support
> through July, 2015. After that date, any and all vulnerabilities found =
> Windows
> XP will
> live on forever
> , even though there are some avenues to
> keep your PC safe
> and protected after the deadline expires.
> In some ways, the migration from Windows XP to a modern OS like =
Windows 8
> could be
> considered painless: As the number of digital photos taken grows, for
> example, some
> users have moved to external hard drives and cloud storage to store =
> solutions
> that transcend a specific operating system. Applications written
> specifically for
> Windows XP, however, will require tinkering and compatibility modes.
> For some, there=92s the cost aspect: To run any Windows OS after =
Windows XP
> (ideally,
> Windows 7 or Windows 8
> ), users will basically need to invest in a new PC, minus the monitor =
> printer.
> Given the relatively low cost of PCs, however, users can buy a new PC =
for a
> few hundred
> dollars.
> A more interesting question would be this: If Microsoft instituted a =
> last-minute,
> pay-to-delay solution, what would consumers be willing to pay? $20? =
> $100? $200?
> If you run Windows XP, let us know what you=92d be willing to pay in =
> comments below.
> Chances are you=92re out of luck, but if Microsoft is willing to =
maintain a
> database
> of patches for big business, maybe they=92ll throw a bone to the =
> procrastinators,
> too.
> -Bob Ringwald K6YBV
> 916/ 806-9551
> "I always thought that record would stand until it was broken."
> -- Lawrence Peter (Yogi) Berra=20