For blind ham radio operators


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Doug and Sheilla Emerson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 4 Nov 2013 16:45:33 -0800
text/plain (50 lines)
Welcome to the list, Miguel. Your english is fine. It is no worse than mine. 
Enjoy the list and stay with us for a long, long time. Doug, N6NFF 
California, U S A

-----Original Message----- 
From: Steve Forst
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2013 3:04 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Presentation, IC-7000 accessibility and tricks

Hi Miguel,

Welcome to the list.  I don't have this radio, but  here is a review
from a blind ham on the 7000:

Hope this is of some help.

Don't worry about your English.   We have native English speakers on
this list who don't do as well as you.

73, Steve  KW3A - near Philadelphia Pennsylvania

On 11/4/2013 4:55 PM, Miguel González wrote:
> Dear colleagues.
> First, I introduce myself . My QRA is Miguel, EA3GZA , from Spain .
> I'm an HAM operator since 2007 and I am totally blind.
> So far , I have worked in VHF and UHF bands with Kenwood TM- V7e
> equipment and talkie TH- F7E .
> But now , I have decided to make the leap to the wonderful world of HF .
> I recived an Icom IC- 7000 and W - 8010 Diamond antenna dipole .
> Now , I have many questions , many questions , which I hope you can help
> me to be resolved.
> Does anyone of you have the IC- 7000 and used it ? What tricks do you
> recommend? How accessible is for blind people ? Maybe better connected
> to a PC troughtmHam Radio Deluxe software ?
> Anyway , any experience I will help me.
> On the other hand , I wonder if there is any SWR meter with speech
> synthesis, or some TTS automatic ATU for power and SWR measures, witch I
> can use myself independently.
> I hope your help and your comments, thank you in advance and I want to
> help as well as I can.
> Regards, 73, good radio and good DX .
> Sorry for my poor written english.