For blind ham radio operators


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Doug and Sheilla Emerson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 30 Jul 2013 15:48:16 -0700
text/plain (43 lines)
Hi there, Beth. My name is Doug. I live in Sacramento, California. Welcome 
to the list. There are quite a few nice gentlemen and ladies who are all to 
willing to help you with whatever you need. Don't be afraid to ask. They 
won't be afraid to answer. Hope to hear you on the air very soon. The very 
best of 73. Doug Emerson, N6NFF

-----Original Message----- 
From: Beth
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 3:28 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Hello and introduction

Hello, everyone.
My name is Beth Taurasi.  I am someone who is aspiring to be a radio
operator.  I've had too many friends try and pull me into the ham
radio world, so I gave in. ... Yeah, I sure did.  I'd like to
introduce myself to the list. I know a bunch of blind ham nerds, if I
should use such a flattering and funny little word to describe a lot
of us, and they've encouraged me to learn as much as possible.  One of
my hammy friends from California gave me a bunch of Gordon West's
study material to look over, and since I've looked it over, I've just
found myself so drawn into ham radio stuff I've wanted more of it.
My hobbies other than learning and trying out ham radio include
playing music and singing.  I love animals, and I hvae a boyfriend
who's into the ham scene.  I love cooking, though I don't get to do it
very often. Dish use, honestly. I'm a resident of Denver, Colorado,
and have gone to the Colorado Center for the Blind. If anyone knows
me, just let me know, but if you don't know who I am, here I am.  Wish
me luck on getting a license, but here's a question I have for all of
How can I get involved in a club or activity to get my license locally
if I can't fill out the email forms? I've tried to fill out forms, but
there's the dreaded captcha on Colorado's ham radio websites.  My bf
Blake and I were looking at the sites together, and discovered no
audio captchas along with the visual image.  What should I do?
Thanks, all.
Beth Taurasi
[log in to unmask],
NFB of Denver, Colorado,
P.S. You can write me privately for a phone number, but I won't
include it here for obvious reasons, but thanks.