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Tom Behler <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 23 Feb 2014 21:30:28 -0500
text/plain (58 lines)

I'm truly sorry I missed your calls yesterday.

The pileups were pretty large at times, and I guess I'm just a bit too far
west for you to be heard under those conditions.

Will have the XYL help me take a better look at your set-up.

My XYL is a ham as well, and I keep trying to encourage her to check into
one of our nets.

Maybe someday, we should have some net sessions where our XYL's check in, so
that everyone can get to know them too.

Of course, we'll have to strongly encourage, or urge, them not to tell any
secrets, ham radio-related or otherwise!  (grin)

Tom Behler: KB8TYJ

-----Original Message-----
From: For blind ham radio operators [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
On Behalf Of Mike Ryan
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2014 8:53 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Vertical Antenna


I too wish I had a tower and beam.=20
When I had an A-3S from 2003 to 2007, I though it was the cat's you know =
what. LOL=20 I pretty much could pull out anything I heard and had a
TS-940SAT/Heath =
SB-1000 1KW amp combo and I was heard. LOL=20 Like you though, the crew that
was willing to help either moved on or = got tired of helping me tighten up
something either on the tower or beam = antenna or even wire and just no
longer had the time.=20 I was also a little bit of a victim of a half
hearted job, just get it = done for mike and be back again in 6 months.
LOL=20 So when hurricane Leslie took down my tower and windom in October of
= 2012, I made it a point to put back an antenna system that me and my =
XYL, who isn't a ham, could handle.=20 Of course, 1ST, I had to build a
shack because my sister moved back home = with my parents and claimed my
shack as part of the renovated basement = apartment. LOL=20 So we had to
build a cottage this past summer and its about 85% = complete, really warm
and dry and of course, has a shack. LOL=20 If you look me up on QRZ, you can
get your XYL to point out the antenna = to you and if you log in and view my
bio, there's a pic of the station.=20=

Starting on the right, the AL-811H, SP-102P matching speaker for the = rig,
FT-102, then MFJ-986 tuner.=20 I use a Heil Pro Micro Duel with the HC-6.=20
Good luck on the amp project and btw, I called you a few times yesterday =
evening but I guess there were too many louder stations close.=20 You were
58 in NF.=20

Mike VO1AX=20