For blind ham radio operators


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Tom Behler <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 19 Sep 2013 09:45:09 -0400
text/plain (105 lines)

I agree with Ron's assertion that your blindness likely has very little if 
anything to do with your frustrating experiences as club President.

As a former club president, back in the late 1990's and very early 2000's, 
and a two-term Vice President after that, it was much easier to generate 
interest and participation in our nets and various other club initiatives 
than it is now.  In fact, our club (The Big Rapids Area Amateur Radio Club) 
received the ARRL Club 2000 award for our size of club back in 2000, because 
of our wide variety of activities and initiatives as both an ARRL Affiliated 
Club, and Special Service Club.

I think we are competing now with cell phones, and the internet, as well as 
an increasingly busy general population who simply believe that ham radio 
has lost its appeal and utility.

Our challenge is to show them otherwise, which I believe can be done with a 
bit of creativity and resourcefulness.  Also, of course, more than just the 
club President need to be involved in this effort.

Tom Behler: KB8TYJ

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dr. Ronald E. Milliman" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 10:04 PM
Subject: Re: Dwindling interest and activity in ham clubs and nets

> Doug, first, I rather doubt if your being blind has anything to do with 
> your
> challenges with your club members. Evidently, it is pretty common.
> Hopefully, we can all share some ideas here on our list that will help all
> of us and the clubs to which we belong.
> Ron, K8HSY
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Doug and Sheilla Emerson [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 8:27 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: Dwindling interest and activity in ham clubs and nets
> Hi, Ron. I currently serve as president for one of the local clubs here in
> Sacramento. I find it very difficult to try to stir up interest. Whenever 
> I
> ask for volunteers for a project, it is like pulling teeth. Last night at
> our club meeting I thought I wasn't going to get a nominating committee
> going. I needed three people. Finially, I got them. Ladst year I asked for
> volunteers for someone to find a nice restraunt for the annual Christmas
> dinner. I ended up being the one to select it. We ended up eating at
> Denny's! I'm sure some didn't like that choice but that's what they get. I
> don't know if they feel that they really don't hav to pay any attention to
> "the blind president" or what. Our net manager is constantly asking for 
> net
> control stations. The "blind president" volunteers but the other sighted
> guys don't. Every year we have an event called "What Is Amateur Radio 
> Night.
> We showcase the various aspects of Amature radio. Every year I encourage 
> the
> members to come, bring family and friends and showcase their ham radio
> interests. Every year, the same few persons show up. It is indeed
> frustrating. It makes yeah just want to go out and get fried chicken. 
> Don't
> know if all of that helped, but there. 73 everyone. Doug, N6NFF
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dr. Ronald E. Milliman
> Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 5:04 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Dwindling interest and activity in ham clubs and nets
> I attended our local ham club meeting last night, and the central topic on
> the agenda was the concern over the dwindling interest and activity in our
> ham club and net. It was pointed out that this problem seems to exist 
> across
> the country.
> I know many of you are members of ham clubs and are involved with your
> club's local nets. Based upon your experiences with your clubs and nets, 
> do
> you have any recommendations for how we can encourage more interest and
> stimulate more participation in our club meetings and activities and in 
> our
> club's local weekly 2-meter net?
> A related question is have any of you had any experience with how your 
> local
> club has been successful in reaching out to recruit new hams and thus, new
> blood in your club? What have been the key hot buttons that attract new
> hams?
> Ron, K8HSY