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Wed, 2 Jul 2014 07:16:00 -0400
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
john schwery <[log in to unmask]>
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (101 lines)
Grant, in Romans 1, man abandoned God's morality so God abandoned man 
to from his own morality.

earlier, Grant E. Metcalf, wrote:
>                          THE TRADING POST
>"Professing themselves to be wise, men became fools." (Romans
>For man said, "Let us make god in our own images that we might
>have dominion over him." Thus he traded the glory of the
>incorruptible God for images made like corruptible man. And man
>formed gods out of the dust of his head, and in his own likeness
>created he them both males and females.
>      The first they called gramps for he was old, senile, deaf
>and blind; and because he was lonely he tried very hard to please
>everyone, and was ever so grateful for the least of their
>attention--and that's just what he got--while they gobbled his
>goodies, robbed his pockets and sought mostly to please
>themselves. Gramps applauded with only one hand.
>      Now others made god like a yardstick by which they measured
>themselves with themselves, and they looked down on other men--
>but never! No never looked up! And they said, "Truth is what we
>say it is. Please spare us the confusion of facts." They plant
>their feet firmly on air while gravity goes out for a walk.
>      Then the call went out across the land to worship
>Hypothesis; and great multitudes gathered at Mount Ph.D., for of
>a truth it was piled high and deep. There every man scribed his
>own god supposing that his was supreme--but anarchy reigned, and
>great was the thud of Ph.D. for everyone worshipped himself.
>      In no way are the gods that man creates able to deliver
>him--but THE GOD who created all things can! The Bible says,
>"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be delivered."
>      And then there was . . .
>                     METAPHYSICS
>Why and Wherefore set out one day
>   To hunt for a wild negation.
>They agreed to meet at a cool retreat
>   On the Point of Interrogation.
>But the night was dark and they missed their mark,
>   And, driven well nigh to distraction,
>They lost their ways in a murky maze
>   Of utter abstruse abstraction.
>They took a boat and were soon afloat
>   On the Sea of Speculation,
>But the sea grew rough, and their boat, though tough,
>   Was split into an equation.
>As they floundered about in the waves of doubt
>   Rose a fearful hypothesis,
>Who gibbered with glee as they sank in the sea,
>   And the last they saw was this:
>On a rock bound reef of unbelief
>   There sat the wild negation;
>When they sank once more and were washed ashore
>   At the Point of Interrogation.
>           --Oliver Hereford, 1898
>      And some called god BOO! For they said, "He who is good will
>not harm us. Come, let us be slaves to our fears!"--never knowing
>what might come, they worship the cruel unknown. And God says,
>"But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and
>murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all
>liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and
>brimstone, which is the second death."
>      Of course, there is always that colorful but mindless
>creature who swallows and regurgitates everything.
>My name, it is Poly, I'm an eclectic bird.
>For you I will parrot from religions I've heard.
>I'll pick some from this one, and from that one i'll choose,
>Whichever one suits me, that's the  one I will use.
>To begin--there is Good, an impersonal force,
>A principle, something about which men discourse.
>Now second--there's Evil, some add that to the list
>Still others would argue that it does not exist.
>But then thirdly say those, you'll be happy to find,
>That the whole mess is only a question of Mind!
>Retribution is fourth if your ways you don't mend--
>(Expletive deleted) may describe your foul end.
>Yet if all of this squawking to you seems obscure,
>If what you are seeking is the simple and pure,
>Then, trust dear old Poly, your eclectic friend,
>Just unfurl your mainsail and be borne on the wind.
>           Well, if all of this seems like a lot of babble to you,
>perhaps you would like some really good news.  The Apostle Paul
>in his first letter to the Corinthians said, "I delivered to you
>as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for
>our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and
>that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,
>and that He appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve." Jesus is
>alive today as proof that His death for sin is effective.  Why
>not now admit to God the condition of your heart and accept by
>faith God's offer of eternal life provided in the finished work
>of Jesus Christ His Son who was delivered for our offenses and
>raised again for our justification.