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Pat Ferguson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 19 Dec 2012 15:13:22 -0600
text/plain (69 lines)
Dear Rhonda and Everyone,

Well, Vernon and I are doing good, Vernon's brother Dean, has very 
agresive Pancreatic Cancer. He is in California receiving treatment, 
and he is receiving Chemo once a week for three weeks, and then he 
takes a break from Chemo. This will go on for about 9 weeks, and then 
if the toomer shrinks enough, they might do surgery, we don't know.
  His wife, Betty is with him, and they are staying at his oldest 
daughter's house.
His three daughters and his wife are all going to be with him for Christmas.

Please keep Dean in your prayers, as well. This is hard on Vernon, 
and myself, too. Last night I soaked my pillow.

We talk to Dean about once a week, on the day after his Chemo treatment.

Vernon is doing good, and he is as sweet as ever to me.

I'm doing pretty good, but I'm dealing with dizziness, so I would 
like prayers for that, please.

We have changed doctors and he is going to do a bunch of tests to 
find out what is going on. I'm wearing a Hulter Monitor for 48 hours, 
to see if it is something in my heart, where the heart changes when I 
do some activities. I have to do this silly diary, so I have to 
document all my physical activity, and all the dizziness, as well.

Then, my Hemoglobin is too high, and they want to find out what is 
going on, so I will be seeing a Hemotologist/Oncologist, to see if 
there is any cancer cells or if there is a blood disorder. I'm 
definitely not anneemic.

Sorry for the miss-spelling.

The sleep study is over with now, but I'm back on the Melatonin 
again, and we'll see how that is going to go. I have to take a real 
low amount of Melatonin, right now, 200 MCGS.

I'm not sure how that is going to work out, but we'll see.

Other than that, I'm doing pretty good, trying to stay positive.

I'mpraying for all of ou.

God Bless you all.


Pat Ferguson

At 07:24 PM 12/17/2012, you wrote:
>I am officially requesting an update from all on this list. How are 
>you? How have you been? Tell me how I can best pray for what you are 
>presently doing, going through, future plans???
>As for me, I am still and note the word still working on the Masters 
>degree in rehabilitation counseling from the University of Ky. I 
>don't have classes in the Spring semester, or January through May, 
>but will take classes in summer and Fall and will graduate in 
>December of 2013. Ben is doing well, it will be four years in May 
>since the transplant.
>Just wondered how all of you were doing.