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"Alan R. Downing" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 27 Dec 2013 17:45:22 -0700
text/plain (97 lines)
Speaking of my good friend Jay, listen to what he recently told me.  As some
of you know, I am giving serious consideration to buying an OM Power amp
which Jay imports.  Jay told me that he will load up my amp in his truck and
personally deliver it to me and set it up, and not charge me a penny.  How
many owners of a ham radio suppliers would do such a thing?  It is quite a
way from Dallas to Phoenix, and to offer to do this is way beyond the call
of duty.  He said that he was so happy to hear of my recent reprieve from
terminal cancer that he wanted to meet me in person.

Best 73

Alan R. Downing
Phoenix, AZ

-----Original Message-----
From: For blind ham radio operators [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
On Behalf Of Steve Forst
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2013 5:34 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Tokyo Hy-Power bankrupt


 From what I saw on the HRO site, looks like AVSL (Audio Video Service 
Lab) in Virginia Beach, VA will continue to provide service, although I 
guess  parts may become an issue.    I feel bad for anyone who might 
need warranty service,  and I feel real bad for those who just dropped 
several grand on  the new legal limit amp.   .  I doubt if AVSL is going 
to do warranty work  without getting reimbursed by someone.   With the 
factory out of the picture, perhaps  it may fall on HRO as you suggest.

AVSL also does Kenwood  service and  warranty work as "Kenwood Service 
East).  I remember your friend Jay at Array Soulutions sold and serviced 
THP for a few  years before getting out of it a few years ago.   At the 
time I didn't know who dropped who, but perhaps Jay saw the handwriting 
on the wall  and got away while the getting was good.

73, Steve KW3A .

On 12/27/2013 7:11 PM, Alan R. Downing wrote:
> Hello all:
> I got word of this 3 days ago.  I am told that HRO may have to open a
> service center to accommodate warranty repairs.  As the importer, they are
> apparently liable for assuring availability of warranty service for the
> length of time that customers remain under their warranty, if THP is
> to handle the work themselves.  I am also told that HRO has no more THP
> in inventory.  There were plenty on back order, but they were never built.
> While I had no interest in buying a THP amp, I am saddened to learn of the
> failure of another ham supplier.
> Best 73
> Alan R. Downing
> Phoenix, AZ
> -----Original Message-----
> From: For blind ham radio operators [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> On Behalf Of Steve Forst
> Sent: Friday, December 27, 2013 12:49 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Tokyo Hy-Power bankrupt
> Looks like  the news/rumors floating around the past few days are sadly
> true, and Tokyo Hy-Power Labs (THP) has gone into some sort of
> bankruptcy in Japan.
> Only a few months ago they started shipping their new offering, a  legal
> limit SSB amp.
> While not cheap, they were known for high quality solid state amps with
> a Superior build quality, and customer support.
> I've had a THP amp over 6 years and love it.    If this all turns out to
> be true,  sad to see them go.    HRO had been their retailer since
> coming back into the direct US market a few years ago.    A little more
> info at the HRO site:
> 73, Happy New Year to all, Steve KW3A