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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 31 Oct 2003 09:42:31 -0700
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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
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Isn't it interesting that people don't bring up Revelations they bring up
psychics and people like Nostradamis or how ever you spell his name?


That is however frightening

----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2003 8:52 AM
Subject: Yellowstone National Park Volcano

> I received this article from a friend but I have been following
> this story for several weeks.  I did not hear the BBC story about
> it but I have heard, so far, two geologists discuss, on a talk
> show, this same story.  Both geologists had about the same
> viewpoint as this article you are about to read.  The information
> you will read in the article seems consistent with the same facts
> and figures I have heard but the letter they include is personally
> written and gets a little political.  His enthusiasm is a little
> over rated, too, and the last couple of lines also indicate his
> spiritual inclinations with which I most certainly disagree.  The
> basic facts are true.  Parts of Yellowstone National Park are
> indeed closed to the public.  Areas of the park are so hot, your
> tennis shoes could melt.  They have monitoring equipment all over
> the park trying to figure out what is happening underground.
> Although the heat build up isn't especially considered to be
> normal, the seismic activity isn't all that uncommon and doesn't
> necessarily mean the big bang is going to happen any time soon.
> In spite of the comments made in the man's letter to his sister,
> if indeed such a letter was ever written, I heard about this first
> on Paul Harvey News and he is on over 1600 radio stations around
> the world.  The two geologists I have heard so far discuss this
> situation both admit there is no way of predicting when, or if,
> this super volcano might blow.  Such current activity is common,
> they both said, and often subsides and the volcano becomes
> somewhat doormat again.  I was telling somebody about this the
> other day and told them what the geologists both said.  They said
> that if the super volcano blows, it would spread ash over 28
> states.  Illinois, to the east, for example, may have up to
> several feet of ash build up before it is over.  Anything within a
> 350 mile radius of the explosion will not live.  Denver, for
> example, may be covered with 10 to 25 feet of ash.  The entire
> world will be effected because the blast will set off a chain
> reaction of events climatologically around the entire earth.  It
> will act very much like a nuclear winter if it blows because the
> upper atmosphere will be filled with ash for months and perhaps
> years.  Up to a 600 mile radius, it is likely there will be
> little life remaining.  My wife said, when I was sharing what I
> have heard about all this with a friend, What would we do then?  I
> said, if it happens, I am going outside and cheering it on because
> we will be going home shortly, either by death, or by the return
> of the Lord, so why not be happy.  Another person I heard
> interviewed was a guy who claims he can see into the future.  So
> what else is new?  Anyhow, he was trying to predict all sorts of
> things that are coming to the earth.  One thing he said is that
> the earth will shift on its axis by 17 degrees and all sorts of
> worldwide earthquakes will occur.  Big deal!  The Bible said this
> thousands of years ago, too, and long before this guy came up with
> his futuristic predictions.  The Bible says the earth, during
> those days, will stagger back and forth like a drunken man.  That
> sounds like a planet spinning out of control to me.  In fact, the
> man I heard who claimed to be able to see into the future using
> remote viewing, never said a thing that night I listen to him talk
> that wasn't already in the bible.  Even so, come Lord Jesus.  We
> are ready.  Remember, when you read the word note in the below
> text, they are my words.  One other thing.  On one talk show, I
> heard a man call in from Idaho who lives not far from Yellowstone
> Park.  He said these stories are true.  I have heard something
> about the wild life leaving the hot areas but I haven't heard the
> report of the dying fish so I don't know how good all the
> information is in the man's letter but a lot of it is true.
> Phil.
> snip snip
> Earth Changes: Yellowstone Volcano becoming active
> Super Volcano In Yellowstone National Park
> Source: United States Geological Survey, University of Utah,
> The BBC.
> It is little known that lying underneath one of The United States
> largest and most picturesque National Parks - Yellowstone Park -
> is one of the largest "super volcanoes" in the world.  The term
> "supervolcano" has no specifically defined scientific meaning. It
> was used by the producers of The BBC TV show Horizion in 2000 to
> refer to volcanoes that have generated Earth's largest volcanic
> eruptions. As such, a supervolcano would be one that has produced
> an exceedingly large, catastrophic explosive eruption and a giant
> caldera.
> Note.
> A caldera is a huge crater in the ground left from the outward
> exploding of a super volcano, either so intense the entire
> mountain is blown away or when the volcano cone itself collapses
> in upon itself.
> For example, when Mount Saint Helens exploded in the western
> United States back in the eighties, the top 1200 to 1400 feet of
> the mountain vaporized.  In a super volcano explosion such as
> found under Yellowstone National Park, the mountain is literally
> below ground.  Thus, if it blows, it is estimated that there will
> be a crater 40 to 60 miles wide left in the ground.
> End of note.
>  Scientists have revealed that Yellowstone Park has been on a
> regular eruption cycle of 600,000 years. The last eruption was
> 640,000 years ago.  So the next is overdue. The next eruption
> could be 2,500 times the size of the 1980 Mount Saint Helens
> eruption. Volcanologists have been tracking the movement of magma
> under the park and have calculated that in parts of Yellowstone
> the ground has risen over seventy centimeters this century.
> Around the world there are several other volcanic areas that can
> be considered "supervolcanoes"- Long Valley in eastern California,
> Toba in Indonesia, and Taupo in New Zealand.  Other
> "supervolcanoes" would likely include the large caldera volcanoes
> of Japan, Indonesia, Alaska (e.g. Aniakchak, Emmons, Fisher).
> Pursuant to this, a correspondent recently received a letter from
> her sister with the following update:  October 6, 2003
> Dear Sis: I just haven't had time to send you the info on
> Yellowstone.  In July the Park rangers closed the entire Norris
> Geyser Basin because of the deformation of the land and the
> excess temperature. There is an area there that is 28 miles long
> by 7 miles wide that has bulged upward over five inches since
> 1996, and this year the ground temperature on that bulge has
> reached over 200 degrees. There was no choice but to close off the
> whole area. Everything in that area is dying. The trees, flowers,
> grass, etc. A dead zone is developing and spreading outward. The
> animals are literally migrating out of the park. This isn't
> hearsay. It is coming from people who have actually visited the
> park in just the last few weeks. Then the last part of July one of
> the Park geologists discovered a huge bulge at the bottom of
> Yellowstone Lake. The bulge has already risen over 100 feet from
> the bottom of the lake, and the water temperature at the surface
> of the bulge has reached 88 degrees and is still rising. Keep in
> mind that Yellowstone Lake is a high mountain lake with very cold
> water temperature. The Lake is now closed to the public. It is
> filled with dead fish floating everywhere. The same is true of
> the Yellowstone river and most of the other streams in the Park.
> Dead and dying fish are filling the water everywhere. Many of the
> picnic areas in the Park have been closed and people that are
> visiting the Park don't stay but a few hours or a day or two and
> leave. The stench of sulphur is so strong that they literally
> can't stand the smell. The irony of all this is that not one word
> of this is being brought to public attention by the news media or
> by our government which is supposed to be "protecting" us. But,
> believe it or not, just last week a British newspaper broke the
> story about Yellowstone National Park being "a threat to the
> entire world." Sis, Yellowstone is what geologists call a "super
> volcano." There is a massive caldera of molten fire beneath
> Yellowstone National Park. When this thing blows, geologists are
> saying that every living thing within six hundred miles is likely
> to die. Yet our wonderful news media is not telling the public a
> thing about this. They are keeping it suppressed so that it won't
> effect the "economy." To hell with the lives of people, just
> protect the pocket books of the rich. When this thing explodes it
> will produce an ash cloud that will cover the entire western U.S.
> clear to the Pacific on the west, British Columbia on the north,
> the Mexican border on the south, and then out into the Dakotas,
> Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas on the east. And then the
> cloud will blow east because of the prevailing winds, literally
> covering the entire nation with volcanic ash. And the American
> people are not even being told that the explosion of this "super
> volcano" is imminent. There is no question that this thing is
> going to explode momentarily. The movement of magma has been
> detected just three-tenths of a mile below the bulging surface of
> the ground in Yellowstone. YELLOWSTONE WILL BLOW AGAIN - NO
> TELLING WHEN, When Yellowstone Volcano erupts,
> this will be consistent with geophysical Earth Changes predicted
> by the Star Visitors, Native American oral tradition-keepers, and
> psychics.
> Note.  He forgot the book of Revelation and other books of the
> Bible.  I wonder why.
> End of note.