For blind ham radio operators


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"Alan R. Downing" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 28 Feb 2014 18:39:50 -0700
text/plain (41 lines)
I am thinking about it, but you have to pay for tech assistance, or at least
that is what I have been told.

This is kind of crazy I know, but a good friend who helps me a bunch with
station repair, like amp problems, putting up inverted V's and such, also
loves to build computers.  He has tons of money, so buys nothing but the
best components for the towers that he builds.  Some weeks ago he asked me
if I planned on getting a new PC anytime soon, and when I said that what I
have is working very well for me, he said nonsense, I am going to build you
a new one as soon as I finish my new one.  We started talking components to
put in mine, and he said that he would probably duplicate his, and when I
asked him how much he figured it would cost me, he replied that it didn't
matter because he was paying for it.  I told him that doing that was
certainly unnecessary, but he wouldn't be talked out of it.  So, I guess
that I will be getting a surprise computer, but it will be a fire breather
for sure.


Alan R. Downing
Phoenix, AZ

-----Original Message-----
From: For blind ham radio operators [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
On Behalf Of Richard Fiorello
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 6:29 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: mse

Does m s e stand for Microsoft essentials or is this a different 
program?  I currently have Microsoft essentials on this laptop but was 
told it wasn't the greatest protection.  Its a shame that avast only 
works with jaws.  Speaking of screen readers, has anyone taken gw micro 
up on there offer of window-eyes if you own office 2010 or later?