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Steve Forst <[log in to unmask]>
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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 14 Dec 2013 19:12:58 -0500
text/plain (30 lines)

Good to hear you today and glad you seem to have resolved the problem. 
Wish all life's problems were that easy.

73, Steve  KW3A
On 12/14/2013 7:03 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
> Hi,
> I knew I was having this problem, sometimes and sometimes not, with RF =
> getting into my audio, and I wasn=92t sure where, exactly. Someone =
> suggested perhaps a bad coax shield. Remembering that some of my coax =
> jumpers are likely as old as my ham career, I tried bypassing the tuner, =
> which meant straight to the antenna, and the RF was much less or perhaps =
> gone  as Steve affirmed. So I pulled what I suspected might be the most =
> likely culprit and put in a different jumper, specifically between the =
> radio and the wattmeter. And then I listened on a receiver with the RF =
> gain turned all the way down to pretty much nothing. And heard no icky =
> RF noises. And also no RF noises getting into perhaps other than the =
> computer speakers sitting right near the radio, which, well, they=92re =
> crappy Logitech speakers, so can=92t expect great shielding anyway. So I =
> think, fingers crossed, it=92s solved. Don=92t know why I didn=92t think =
> of bad coax, but of course it makes sense.
> Vy 73, de KB5ELV=