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Kelvin Marsh <[log in to unmask]>
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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 12 Sep 2013 18:09:44 +0100
text/plain (29 lines)
Hi Tom,

Thought I'd take a look at N3FJP's A C Log, and it will indeed do as you
require.  I think it was Steve who said you already have the necessary
hardware, and I guess the 590/USB interface is the bit you'll need to sort
out.  I use a Winkeyer, and of course this works fine.

In A C Log, go to the CW Setup dialog, and the help text tells you how to
use the macro keys and how to send from the keyboard.  The keyboard mode is
switched on and off with F12, and works fine.  There is a physical speed pot
on the Winkeyer, but there are other options within A C Log to increase and
decrease the sending rate, but I've not investigated these.

Incidentally, I use a Winkeyer as it removes any PC latency.  If your virus
checker or some other heavy process starts on the PC, apparently the CW can
be affected.  I use the USB Winkeyer and I think it costs about $50.  It
does though need to be assembled from a kit.  You can hear how the Winkeyer
can be controlled by N1MM for contest exchanges, in the N1MM recordings on
the Active Elements site, and I guess it will be handled similarly by N3FJP
contest loggers.

Best wishes, Kelvin Marsh - M0AID

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