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Sun, 20 Oct 2013 08:20:29 -0500
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Pat Byrne <[log in to unmask]>
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (63 lines)
There must be an administrator/trustee who could be made aware and 
shut down the machine when that happens.  No, that is certainly not 
acceptable behavior.
Pat, K9JAUAt 01:24 AM 10/20/2013, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>Disclaimer: if you're not in the mood to read a long winded rant, just
>delete this message and I'll totally understand.  There's just
>something that happened tonight that I have to get off my chest.
>All right, here goes:
>So tonight, I've been up sitting in my office reading a book with my radio on.
>There are these two guys who get on late on a local repeater most weekends.
>They're not the most likable of characters at the best of times, but
>tonight they were just completely beyond all sense of propriety.
>First off, they were talking about politics.
>I know this isn't like a cardinal sin or anything, though personally I
>try to stay away from politics on the air.
>So these guys are talking about politics for a while, and it just
>devolves into an all out racist, ignorant, unbelievable rage fest.
>These folks were going on about how Obama is just in the white house
>to take revenge on white people, and how the government is full of
>terrorist democrats who got into politics just so they could take
>innocent people's money and use it to abort babies and take our guns
>They went so far as to say that the president is a peace of trash who
>hasn't gotten over the fact that black people used to be slaves, and
>just wants to destroy America.
>Now, while I don't agree with that thesis, I know there are people out
>there who do, and it's a free country, so you can have whatever
>opinion you want and it's fine with me.  What really angers me is how
>these guys are getting so pissed off on the radio that they're
>screaming and ranting nonsensically for hours and hours over the air.
>This kind of thing reflects poorly on the ham community as a whole,
>and just seems like terrible manners.
>And the sad thing is that isn't even the worst of it.
>There's a repeater in another town about 20 miles away that has a net
>every night that I frequent.
>You seriously couldn't find a better group of guys than that are on this net.
>So these two guys who had just finished ranting about politics finally
>stop, and the one guy says to the other, "so yeah, how bout that
>pathetic bunch of idiots who hang out on the .825 machine every
>night..." and so on and so on.
>Then, they started in on talking shit and laughing at one of the guys
>on the net, who not only did they name in person over the air, but is
>another blind ham.
>I think this particular ham they're talking about, who is also the
>blind ham, might have a minor intellectual disability or something, as
>sometimes he can be a little hard to understand, but said ham is one
>of the nicest guys on the net, and always has a good word for
>everybody he talks to.
>So here are these guys, who aren't even in the local club or anything,
>never to my knowledge volunteer or do anything with any of the ham
>outfits in the area, and they're talking for 2 straight hours on the
>open air and laughing at other hams, calling them out by name, who
>haven't even done anything wrong.
>It took every ounce of self-restraint I could manage not to get on the
>repeater, but I knew doing that would just feed the fire.
>Ok, that's it. Thanks for listening.
>I just had to get this out there.  I was literally so pissed off my
>hands were shaking.
>Zach, kk4ruz