For blind ham radio operators


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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 12 Aug 2013 13:30:16 -0400
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Steve Forst <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (51 lines)

You might be chasing your tail  a bit here.   Both the long wire and 
windom  are prone to rf on the feedline.

I'm curious about your antenna.   Most OCF antennas are straight coax 
fed with a 4:1 balun at the feed point.   There are some  take offs like 
the carolina windoms that use some open wire line from the feedpoint to 
a balun, then coax to the shack.  Is this what you have?

A line isolator  may help. or just put a coax choke (8 or 10 turns of 
coax in a 6 inch diameter, held in place with tape or zip ties) at the 
feed point.

Heil has some info on his website about getting rf  out of audio caused 
by poor mic ground. One way to see if this is your problem is to connect 
a wire from the mic case to a ground on the radio chassis.  I know you 
don't want to bugger up your new mic, but if there is a screw or 
something you can get a wire under on the mic, it won't cost anything to 

A manual tuner isn't going to be a big problem solver, unless your auto 
tuner won't tune where you want it to tune, or is not rated for the 
power you want to use.   You will also need some device to help you get 
it tuned.     The windom should show good swr across  it's usable bands. 
  May not need a tuner at all on some bands, and the auto tuner should 
quickly tweak things where needed with no fuss.  The auto tuner may have 
a bit  more loss than a manual tuner, but nobody is ever going to know. 
    You have to decide if the extra money and tuning effort is worth 
whatever benifits you get.

73, Steve KW3A

On 8/12/2013 9:41 AM, Mike Barnard wrote:
> 	I have had this problem quite a lot, I went from a long wire
> antenna, to a 80 meter windam, fed with later line, and a 4 to 1
> balum.  This helped some, and I also now have the heil microphone
> that helped some.  I am using a LDG auto tuner, the kw
> 1000.  Sometimes I can hear it a little when it is bad in the auto
> tuner.  I have thought of getting a manual tuner, but until I get an
> audio box to put in line for SWR I don't want to chance it.
> Last night someone recommen
> Mike Barnard
> KD2CDUded a RF isolation box.  I am going to try that.  Any other
> suggestions are welcome.