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Doris and Chris <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 11 Mar 2014 22:26:12 +0100
text/plain (121 lines)
candida or as it is properly called candida albicans is a classic 
yeast infection. havi


At 04:38 PM 3/11/2014 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Doris and Everyone,
>Thanks so much for your prayers. I appreciate them so very much.
>Thanks so much for your suggestions.
>This is not a Yeast infection at all, and it never has been. <smile>
>It is a UTI and these are often treated as a blatter infection, but 
>my doctor says it isn't a blatter infection yet.
>He does want me to stick with his way of treatment which did work 
>completely last year. It will work this year as well. <smile>
>Thanks much.
>Many Blessings,
>Pat Ferguson
>"I can Do all Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me." Phillippians 4:13.
>At 02:18 PM 3/11/2014, you wrote:
>>Hi, Pat,
>>we can only second Ms. angels prayers and add our own.
>>as for the yeast infection, in addition to having your yoghurt, 
>>stick to a low carb diet the same as you ought to follow for your 
>>diabetes. the zone Diet by barry sears is a good and balanced 
>>example of such a low carb diet - and it works well without you 
>>having to buy any of the suppliements and zone snacks they try to sell. *g*
>>This type of diet has worked for my chronic yeast infection for me 
>>for more than 20 years. In addition, you might want to try a 
>>topical salve or ointment containing dequaliniumcloride, which 
>>kills bacteria, viruses and fungi and which is nontoxic even when 
>>ingested by accident. do do not use this inside the vagina or in 
>>poorly ventilated places such as the arm pit as it 
>>dequaliniumcloride can cause complications in such places in rare instances.
>>god bless,
>>DorisAt 04:01 PM 3/11/2014 -0400, you wrote:
>>>I shall pray for you during this time you will be alone, and your 
>>>dear husband will be traveling.  That his trip might be a safe 
>>>one.  Remember when you feel most alone, you aren't alone at 
>>>all.  You only think you are. You are surrounded by a cloud of 
>>>Christian witnesses, and your angel will be at your side at all 
>>>times.  Not to mention your elder brother Jesus.  Who will never 
>>>leave you, more forsake you at any time.  Your dear husband's 
>>>angel will be with him as well, as well as Jesus.  So, dear lady, 
>>>put your mind at rest.  Because, though you seem to be without 
>>>company.  This just simply isn't true at all.
>>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Pat Ferguson" 
>>><[log in to unmask]>
>>>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>>>Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2014 3:03 PM
>>>Subject: A few Prayer Requests
>>>>Hi Everyone,
>>>>I have a few prayer requests, please.
>>>>Vernon and Dean will be traveling to Alabama next week to take 
>>>>the doors down that they built for Kathleen and put them on 
>>>>Kathleen's kitchen cabinetes.
>>>>Please pray for their safety as they travel in our Motor Home. 
>>>>Please pray for Dean that he is able to go with Vernon. If he 
>>>>can't go, Vernon will travel alone.
>>>>Please pray for their safety and that Dean doesn't have any ill 
>>>>affects next week from his Chemo which he will have on Monday 
>>>>morning. They will most likely leave on Tuesday morning.
>>>>If Dean is not able to travel, I can't go with Vernon for several reasons.
>>>>Someone needs to stay here and run the business. I have a 
>>>>horrible fear of traveling now.
>>>>Please pray for me, as I stay here alone. I'm scared to be here alone!
>>>>Also, I have two infections.
>>>>The first infection is an infection in my glands in my neck and 
>>>>around my ears. They are swullin, and they do hurt.
>>>>The other infection, is as of a result of me being on antibiodics 
>>>>for this first infection.
>>>>Some call this other infection a Candid Yeast infection, however 
>>>>it is not.. It is a UTI but not a Blatter infection, yet.
>>>>I had this same infection last year, and my doctor has a 
>>>>different wayof treating this.
>>>>I saw him yesterday, and he was more concerned about the gland 
>>>>infection. Even though that is not his specialty, he did examine 
>>>>me. He told me to wait a month or so, for both infections to 
>>>>hopefully clear up, and then to see him again for the UTI and to 
>>>>see my primary doctor for the Gland infection. I did the 
>>>>ProBiodic that I have to do each time after I've been on Antibiodics.
>>>>Thanks much.
>>>>Many Blessings,
>>>>Pat Ferguson
>>>>"I can Do all Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me." Phillippians 4:13.