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The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 5 Apr 2013 14:43:22 +0100
The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List <[log in to unmask]>
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UDP United Kingdom <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (215 lines)

You are a manipulated lad who lacks the mental faculty to understand
the deceptive game Halifa plays on the minds of his disciples and
party flunkies and for that reason, I will excuse your insults.
However, in the interest of the truth and for the benefit of the
readership, I hereby put the records straight.

Firstly, I did not talk about a ‘tradition of holding congresses’
which is what you are on about but a ‘tradition of electing party
officials’. So you have mixed your apples and oranges there.

Secondly, The UDP first congress was held in 1998, not 1997 and the
second was held in 2010, not 2011.  The party was unable to hold a
congress in the period leading to the 2006 elections because of its
membership of NADD whose code of conduct bars any member party to
engage in individual party business.  You also gave the same reason
for PDOIS’s default in this respect, and that makes my postulations
wholly incontrovertible.

Thirdly, out of the numerous congresses you attributed to PDOIS , all
of which I was aware of but won’t call many of then ‘congress’,  the
PDOIS party conducted leadership election in only one of them; the
Wuli Taibatou one in 2001, and that was 12yrs ago. This too is an
incontrovertible fact. The rest were just conferences created
purposely for Halifa to indoctrinate more of you with his wishful
ideology and to showcase his delusional greatness. The UDP on the
other hand, always elect officials in leadership positions whenever
they hold a congress and in line with the true sense of the term
‘Congress’ in politics.

Fourthly, PDOIS also held a so-called congress in 2010 and promised to
held another one 6 months before the 2011 presidential elections to
elect the party’s leadership but Halifa failed to honour his promise
to the general membership and continue to hold the party to ransom on
the basis that it is his destiny to lead and for the rest to follow.
You can’t blame that on the coalition talks that preceded the 2011
Presidential elections because that only began weeks rather than
months before the elections. I should know better because it was the
UDP that initiated and organised that talks, not PDOIS.

Finally, some of these events that you called congress were just
conferences were the party members meet with the leadership to
discourse policy and strategy rather than electing a leadership. In
the real world, we call that a ‘Party Conference’ and it is something
the UDP does all the time. That means your notion of congress is
different from that of the rest of mankind.

You also said the representational face of  PDOIS since1996 have
changed from Sidia to Halifa-that is a change for the worst- and I am
sure you won’t say this is what the general membership have decided
because they haven’t. The change is wholly and entirely based on
Halifa’s whims and caprices and that raises questions about Halifa’s
legitimacy to serve as the face of the PDOIS party.


On Friday, 5 April 2013, Modou Nyang <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> "the UDP is the only party in The Gambia with a tradition of periodically
electing party officials..."
> This bigot and liar thinks that he can forced feed people on false
narratives as if we were residents of Mars. Informed people on this list
knows that the UDP first held a congress in 1997 in Brikama and a second
and last one 14 years later in 2011 in Jarra Soma. in contrast since the
beginning of the second Republic, PDOIS held congresses in 1997, 1998, 2000
in Kanifing Serrekunda and in 2001 in Wuli Taibatou , be wherefore it was
decided that because of the cost involved congresses would be held every
four years in the year preceding a presidential election.
> After 2001 beginning in 2002/3 PDOIS was engaged in alliance/coaliation
talks that led to the formation of NADD for the 2006 presidential election.
conditions did not allow for the holding of party congress when all efforts
were focused on the alliance. Past 2006 and into 2011, still engulfed in
alliance/unity talks a mini congress was convened in Banjul that resolved
that the party support a united front candidate and not contest the
election on its own. Besides, the representational face of PDOIS during the
period 1996 to 2011 has changed from Seedia Jatta to Halifa Sallah.
> I leave it at this at this moment.
> Nyang
> From: UDP United Kingdom <[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 7:30 AM
> Subject: [G_L] Waa Juwara, 2 others charged - HOW IRONIC!
> Kebbeh, the fact that the UDP is the only party in The Gambia with a
tradition of periodically electing party officials means you have misfired
your shots as always. The UDP already has an elected leader who has a
mandate to serve as per the sovereign will of the general membership as
expressed at the party's congress.
> I think you need to try your shots on PDOIS for their leaders have not
submitted themselves to any congress election since their 2001 Wuli Taibatu
Congress. Gosh! That was 12yrs ago. And by the way;  Halifa doesn't think
he needs to be elected. He thinks he is too important to be bothered to ask
for a mandate from the people when in fact, in his own words, destiny has
already called on him to lead and that is enough so long as he continues to
be abled to put a noose around the necks of Sidia Jatta, Sam Sarr and
Suwaibou Touray and drag along at will.
> Daffeh
> On Thursday, 4 April 2013, C. Omar Kebbeh <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Suntou, why r u so excited about this. I think the bigger issue that we
all await is the successor to the udp throne. Don't u think it is about
time for u guys to convene a congress to elect or select femi peters or
>> On Thursday, April 4, 2013, suntou touray <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>> Mboge, surprisingly, I haven't seen Joe shed any Crocodile tears yet.<>...I have no sympathy for the dude
either..They are the guys who Jammeh rely on to get the impulse of the
community and the vibes going around in further entrenching himself. If we
miss his enablers, we will be fighting him for a long time to come. Nwaa
has more than many torncoats insulted and haul abuses at the opposition
shamelessly than many. He may be poor, but many are poorer than him, he may
have lost hope, but yet dignified men and women are holding on. No remorse
for him.
>>> Cheers
>>> Suntou
>>> On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 8:39 PM, Modou Mboge <[log in to unmask]>
>>> Suntou,
>>> You are right if grown up, educated people,  ' ...can see a crocodile
and put ... [their] fingers in its mouth, good luck to him. '  I add let
the crocodile have the whole arm and more.  Wonder what makes these people
think that they can work effectively within such a rotten system under
Yahya Jammeh.  Again 'enablers' get what they deserve.  No sympathy from
this end.
>>> Mboge
>>> On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 7:48 PM, Demba Baldeh <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>> It is despicable that citizens will be charged for crimes for doing
exactly what the President and his gang are doing. Illegally acquiring land
for Kanilai firms without any challenges from anywhere...
>>> "with knowledge that the said plots were already allocated to Kanilai
Family Farms and Mr. Basirou Sambou respectively"
>>> Citizens continue to be victimized whether they choose to be
independent, work in the private sector or voluntarily associate themselves
with Government (which is not supposed to belong to one man or group)...
>>> I feel sorry for Waa and all of our citizens who have become victims of
this vicious regime.  No one is being spared in Gambia!
>>> Demba
>>> On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 9:43 AM, Bolonba <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>> Mboge, who knows may be Nwaa will visit his former cell in Mile two
pretty soon. May be he can contemplate much better. Suntou
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 3 Apr 2013, at 16:37, Modou Mboge <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>> Suntou,
>>> Indeed Crocodile Life Style. I have no sympathy for the likes of Waa
Juwara and any 'enabler' of the brute President Jammeh.  They all get what
they deserve.
>>> Mboge
>>> On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 5:31 PM, suntou touray <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>> Well well, who have imagine such a thing will happen?
>>> Thanks Bali Mansa for continuing to live the Crocodile life style. Eat
your own progenies..
>>> Suntou
>>> On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 4:16 PM, C. Omar Kebbeh <[log in to unmask]>
>>> ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ To
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