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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 18 Apr 2015 19:05:32 -0600
text/plain (298 lines)
Oh Sharon. You are too funny. I snickered with you.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sharon Hooley" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Saturday, April 18, 2015 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: What Does God Say

Phil and Everyone,

I'd like to add to what you said about hearing God's voice not being 
strictly just from Scriptures.  In John 10, Jesus said, "My sheep hear My 
voice, and they follow me."  He did not say "My sheep read the 

Okay now, I hope you and The Lord don't mind if I share a couple of jokes 
related to this serious topic.  The first one is an idea that I did not make 
up.  The second one I did make up or The Lord gave it to me.  They go 
something like this:

Joe went to a psychiatrist.

"I've been seeing things that I find out aren't  there," he explained. 
"Like the other day I saw a monkey up in a tree outside my house.  I started 
walking toward it, and poof, it disappeared!"

"What did it look like?" asked the doctor.

`why Doctor, I don't know.  I didn't have my glasses on at the time."

And now mine:

"Well, The Lord spoke to me last night," Harold told Joe.

`oh?  What did He say?" Joe asked.

"I don't know.  I didn't have my hearing aids on at the time."


Sharon H.

> On Apr 18, 2015, at 1:04 PM, Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]> 
> wrote:
> Rhonda,
> Thanks for sharing that.  I'm glad to hear others reporting similar 
> experiences of God's inner voice.
> Phil.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Rhonda Partain" 
> <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Saturday, April 18, 2015 12:38 PM
> Subject: Re: What Does God Say
>> Yes, some things we just need to keep to ourselves. A friend of mine had 
>> a
>> daughter who had cancer several years ago. She had a bone marrow 
>> transplant
>> and wasn't doing well at all, I felt that she would recover, and had 
>> peace
>> about her condition. I did not share my feelings with anyone. She is now
>> living a happy cancer free life.
>> Rhonda
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: The Electronic Church [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On
>> Behalf Of Vicki
>> Sent: Saturday, April 18, 2015 12:11 PM
>> To: [log in to unmask]
>> Subject: Re: What Does God Say
>> Good teaching. Also confirmed to me that something I believe I heard from
>> God about a friend of mine (not on this list) should be prayed about and 
>> not
>> shared with that person.  They may never know what the Lord shoed me, but
>> I'll see God's work when it actually happens in that person's life. It
>> doesn't matter if they know.  And it's a good thing to. Can hardly keep 
>> it
>> inside.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
>> To: <[log in to unmask]>
>> Sent: Friday, April 17, 2015 6:14 PM
>> Subject: What Does God Say
>>> I have never actually heard God's voice but when I do, I figure it will
>>> sound like mine.  I laugh when I say things like that but in one of my
>>> ebooks called Symbol of Evil, a man dies and goes to Heaven.  As he 
>>> meets
>>> the Lord, he tells Jesus he thought he'd look more like himself.  Don't 
>>> be
>>> surprised when we get there if the Lord does indeed look like you. 
>>> Anyhow,
>>> tonight, this is Thursday, we found out a newly married Christian couple
>>> were heading out to the hospital.  She had not felt movement for about a
>>> day, she thought, so they wanted to make sure.  The baby is almost due 
>>> so
>>> it won't be long now.  Anyhow, I knew, since this is their first, both
>>> husband and wife would be more than a little concerned so we did the 
>>> only
>>> thing we could do; we prayed.  By we, I mean, my son, Sandy, me, and
>>> everybody else they contacted.  I was at my desk so I stopped to pray. 
>>> I
>>> did not open my mouth but I prayed in my thoughts as I mostly do these
>>> days.  I was praying for a number of things concerning the couple of 
>>> their
>>> baby and when I mentioned the little girl, still in her mother's womb, I
>>> heard what easily could have been taken as my own voice but it wasn't. 
>>> The
>>> thoughts that touched me were these.  "She is asleep."  The feeling of 
>>> well
>>> being touched me emotionally and I believe the words I heard.  After 
>>> all,
>>> the Bible says we have the mind of Christ.  An hour or so later, the 
>>> couple
>>> contacted our son, the husband works for our son, Everett, in his 
>>> drapery
>>> shop, and reported all was well.  I then told my wife and my son what 
>>> the
>>> Lord told me.  Why didn't I call the couple myself and tell them what I 
>>> had
>>> heard?  I could have done just that but I didn't because the Lord never
>>> told me to tell them.  If the Lord had said to tell them, I would have 
>>> done
>>> just that but with fear and trembling.  When you receive a Word from the
>>> Lord such as that, you best be buddies with Jesus and your relationship
>>> best be tight, if you know what I mean.  If you say, "This is what the 
>>> Lord
>>> says," you better be right but I also learned from the Lord a long time
>>> ago, intercessors are to keep such things to themselves unless the Lord
>>> says otherwise.  I'll tell you something more.  As I received the all 
>>> clear
>>> report about the little unborn girl, I sat and thank God for everything 
>>> and
>>> I did something else. If you know nothing of the position of an
>>> intercessor, this won't make much sense to you but I'll tell you anyway.
>>> In my attitude of thanksgiving for all God had done, I was praying 
>>> along,
>>> silently, and my thoughts changed on the fly, as it were, and I said,
>>> "Little girl?  You are ok now.  Jesus wants to sing to you.  Will you
>>> listen?  He is going to sing to you and He likes singing to little 
>>> ones."
>>> As I said, this likely sounds weird to you but it has happened to me
>>> personally so many times over the years, I accept it for what it is; 
>>> God.
>>> So it all boils down to one thing and that is, what are we willing to
>>> accept from God.  Are we willing to accept His Word?  How about His mind
>>> and His thoughts?  No, you say?  It's too new age for you.  Ok, what did 
>>> I
>>> hear in my thoughts?  Some would say you heard a lying spirit. This 
>>> means
>>> you know little about lying spirits, if that is what you think, because
>>> they don't speak of life nor do they ever tell the truth or speak the
>>> truth.  Additionally, some of us believe God never speaks outside His
>>> written Word.  If you believe all there is to know about God is only 
>>> talked
>>> about in the Bible, then I understand why you don't believe God has a 
>>> voice
>>> and He uses it.  If you know the Bible at all, you know it says we, as 
>>> born
>>> again children of God, carry within us the person of the Holy Spirit; 
>>> the
>>> third personage of the Trinity.  The Bible clearly teaches the Holy 
>>> Spirit
>>> is in communication with God the Father, and His Son Jesus Christ, and 
>>> this
>>> communication is perpetual and eternal.  God doesn't have to use words 
>>> but
>>> He functions entirely within the framework of His written Word.  That 
>>> is,
>>> within the context of the Bible.  Do I hear God's voice because I'm such 
>>> a
>>> wonderful guy, a wiz of a Christian, and the best Bible interpreter and
>>> teacher to come down the pike since the first century?  We both know the
>>> answer.  So why does God talk to me?  The answer is simple.  It is 
>>> because
>>> I am learning to listen.  Most of the time, we want God to listen to us 
>>> and
>>> to be aware of our feelings.  There is nothing wrong with that but Jesus
>>> wants to share all of whom He is with us.  It is known as fellowship.  I
>>> don't know, you say, it is still weird and there is something wrong with
>>> it.  Let me tell you of another way I prayed once upon a time.
>>> We were holding Friday night prayer meetings in our home and Sunday
>>> morning church type meetings.  We sang and worshipped both times.  One
>>> Friday night, someone made a request.  We did not go around the circle 
>>> and
>>> ask for individual prayer requests alone.  That is to say, we did do 
>>> that,
>>> but it was understood, and practiced by all, to speak up during the time
>>> of prayer so we could focus on that request at any given moment.
>>> Sometimes we prayed together, that is more than one person praying at a
>>> time, and other times we prayed quietly to ourselves.  The Lord nudged 
>>> me
>>> in the spirit and said, "Pray for," and He told me to focus on whatever
>>> someone had mentioned as a request.  I did pray for that request and 
>>> near
>>> the end of the petition I laid before the Lord, I spoke something I had
>>> not previously had in my mind. This means, I spoke without thinking and
>>> the words came out of my mouth before my brain registered them.  I said,
>>> "Lord, I am asking you for this because we are friends and friends do
>>> things for each other.  I'm asking you, as your friend, to do this for
>>> me."  The strange thing isn't what I spoke without afore thought; the
>>> strange thing is I felt the power and authority of the words themselves.
>>> You see, they weren't my words but those of the Holy Spirit speaking
>>> through me and they bypassed my brain and thinking processes.  In other
>>> words, they bypassed my mind.  Did I make it up?  No, because I said 
>>> them
>>> before my mind registered the words I spoke. What if they were not of 
>>> God?
>>> By this, I suppose, you are saying they might be demonic in nature or 
>>> just
>>> something I thought sounded cute and spoke them to impress everyone in 
>>> the
>>> room.  First, using a little common sense, not to mention some Biblical
>>> discernment, is what I said wrong or even unscriptural?  If you've read
>>> the Bible at all, you know we have fellowship with God through the
>>> finished work of Jesus Christ and the ministry of the Holy Spirit who
>>> dwells within us.  Don't make me quote all the Scriptures that confirm
>>> what I just said.  If you doubt what I said, look it up for yourself. 
>>> So,
>>> it can't be demonic but it could be something I made up on my own.  No 
>>> one
>>> in the room, unless they have spiritual discernment, would know if I 
>>> were
>>> faking it or not.  I know the truth, of course, because those words
>>> literally left my lips before my mind had a chance to identify them. 
>>> Yes,
>>> it is my word against yours.  Again, it gets back to what we are willing
>>> to accept from God.  The lack of acceptance of who God truly is, relates
>>> to pride.  That may be a hard pill to swallow but if you stop and think
>>> about it, unbelief is nothing more than pride hiding behind human
>>> reasoning.  Also, if you know next to nothing of New Testament 
>>> covenants,
>>> you will be unable to accept much from God at all, including a salvitic
>>> experience of being born again; the greatest covenant of all.  Let's 
>>> talk
>>> about covenants for a minute.  The basic definition of a covenant of any
>>> kind is this:  Everything I have belongs to you and everything you have
>>> belongs to me.  Most Christians can accept the first half of that
>>> definition but not the second.  How can everything God has belong to me?
>>> I mean, I get it that I owe everything to God but it sounds, and feels
>>> unscriptural, to think it works both ways.  What about a marriage?  Does
>>> my definition of covenant manifest itself in a marital relationship?  If
>>> it doesn't, it is a mighty poor marriage.  Many marriage relationships,
>>> even Christian ones, fall apart, or at best are miserable, simply 
>>> because
>>> they do not understand the nature of a covenant.  It is true, on the 
>>> other
>>> hand, that a marriage is a covenant, meaning, everything the wife has
>>> belongs to her husband and everything the husband has belongs to his 
>>> wife.
>>> I can talk about covenants later but for now, what does God say.  The
>>> answer?  Whatever we believe.
>>> Phil.
>> ---
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