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Wed, 4 Jan 2017 20:04:12 -0700
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (84 lines)

We all would love to hear how God has worked in your life so share anything at any time.

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> On Jan 4, 2017, at 7:16 PM, Jenifer Barr <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hi all.
> I could write an esay on where I've been and why I've not been
> contributing to the list, but I won't.  I wanted to answer Phil's
> question in my own life and thank you all for your prayers.  I've been
> hungering for God's word more than ever, trying to seek His will more
> and more in my life for the past few weeks.  God's finally got my full
> attention and I hope I never stray again.
> in my experience just in the past few days, I have received an answer
> to a prayer I'd been praying for the past 23 years.  It wasn't the
> outcome I'd wanted... the outcome I'd prayed for time and time
> again... but He answered.  One night not to long ago I completely gave
> this situation to Him... crying out to Him that I needed closure on
> this matter.  I told Him that I was no longer praying for the outcome
> I wanted, but what He wanted.  I told Him that I would accept whatever
> answer He gave me but I just needed an answer.  Well, He answered and
> I thought I'd be devastated by the outcome because it wasn't what *I*
> wanted.  But I have peace now.  I have the closure I need.
> I now have one true love now, and that is Jesus Christ.  I am no
> longer bound by a past love that I thought was true.
> The Bible says that if a man marrys a divorced woman he will be
> commiting adultery, so I am not bound by looking for a mate.  And, I'm
> perfectly ok with that.
> I've strayed from phil's question, and I am sorry.  *smile*  But I
> will answer it by saying that God answers our prayers in His own
> timing.  It may not be how we want Him to answer, but He truly does
> answer.
> Perhaps, if you all want me to catch you up on the last five or so
> years... where I've been hiding, I will.  If not, that's ok, and you
> can all continue on this journey with me.  I'm going to be asking you
> all a lot of questions about things I've read if that's ok?
> I pray God's blessings for you all.
> Jen
> On 1/4/17, Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Here is something to think about for this new year.  In recent times, as in
>> a few months ago and a few years ago, I heard the Lord in my thoughts, that
>> is, the Holy Spirit, telling me to pray specifically for two different
>> things.  They were separated by a couple of years so it wasn’t the same
>> request each time.  These were prayers of petition, that is, prayers I was
>> called upon  by the Lord to pray and in both cases, pray for a specific
>> positive outcome.  For those who do not believe the Holy Spirit has any such
>> intercessory ministry he administrates in the Body of Christ today, you
>> might as well stop reading now, because I don’t want to offend anyone.  In
>> comparison, you all have read the dozens and dozens of prayers I have prayed
>> when looking for something I lost.  If you cannot believe those prayers of
>> petition, you won’t believe these other two petition to which I am now
>> referring.  For the moment, I am not going to tell you what those
>> petitionary prayers were specific but I probably will later.  For now, I
>> want to focus on the fact, believe it or not, that God spoke to me in my
>> thoughts and told me, at two different times, to pray for a specific
>> outcome; both of which would have been God’s will to do in both cases.  The
>> problem is, neither prayer was answered.  In the case of one, the Lord spoke
>> to me 3 weeks in advance of the event the was later to occur and in the
>> second prayer, it was a couple of months, praying every day, and both times,
>> my will-of-God prayers were not answered.  Would God ask you to pray for
>> something He knew He would not answer?  If so, why?  Was it my fault for
>> listening to voices in my head?  Could it mean that God cannot answer every
>> prayer?  Warning; thin ice.  Oh, sure, the old faithful axiom; God always
>> answers prayer; sometimes he just says, no.  Cute, but weak theology to back
>> it up.  Anyhow, let’s start here and comment as you wish.  There are no
>> trick answers but I’ve been thinking about this experience for sometime and
>> thought you’d like to share your own thoughts and concerns about unanswered
>> prayer.
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