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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 30 Aug 2014 11:44:13 -0600
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
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I love this especially because it's clear and to the point.. I'm sitting outside in the sunshine. I have something I'm applying this to right now. Thanks for sharing.  I may write more a bit later.


----- Original Message -----
From: Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Wednesday, August 27, 2014 10:06 pm
Subject: The Fear Of Demons  Part 5

> I concluded part 4 answering the question of how to get rid of demons, even as a Christian, in one's life.  Let me quote the last paragraph again so we will have a jumping off point for this part of our discussion.
> "The short answer of how to get rid of demons as a Christian is finding the lie.  Prayer is how it is revealed.  The lie, if not on the surface of our thinking, is going to be hiding under, or around, an implanted lie.  He knows, if you find the lie you are believing, you'll use Jesus and His truth to get rid of that lie.  Then the lying spirit will have no right to remain or to continue his deceitfulness and he will flee from us as the Scriptures confirm.  Unfortunately, demons hide their lies behind grief, fear, anxiety, helplessness and hopelessness,    pride, hate, emotion pain and anguish, and especially loneliness.  The one suffering, or simply is already walking with the Lord, need not be concerned about what it is keeping them from seeing the truth.  By the way, truth is seeing the situation as Jesus does and hearing for yourself, His voice.  Know, you don't need to understand all Biblical theology and doctrine to have a natural walking relationship with God.  Knowing God through His Word, of course, helps tremendously and for many reasons.  We are perpetually called "His children," throughout Scripture so, as He once said to me at a troubling time when I was 5 years old, 'Phil, you don't have to be perfect because I am.'"
> There are two things I want to focus on in that paragraph and that is lies we believe and the truth we believe.  You will be unable to draw nearer to God while resisting the devil, according to the book of James, unless you can correctly identify these two things.  The vehicle to achieve this status is prayer.  You must also cross reference what you feel in your thoughts/mind with Scripture.  "What if I don't know the Bible that well?  Is there no hope for me?"  Let me answer that with a simple example.
> I was working in my office years ago doing high speed cassette duplication.  I often played the various Christian radio stations as I copied tapes at 30 inches per second and as many as six tapes at a time, labeled them, and prepared them for shipment.  I learned a lot but still, in those days, found lots of confusion rolling around inside of me.
> As I worked, I felt the Holy Spirit speaking to me in my thoughts.  I would normally just say in my heart but some Christians have a cow if you talk about your heart when you should be talking about your head, or, literally, your mind and thoughts and emotions.  Anyhow, the message that came across was, "Faith comes out of hearing," from Romans 10:17.  In short, faith comes out of hearing God's Word if you look at the entire verse from a bird's eye view theologically.  I tried ignoring these thoughts because, according to my trusty old study Bible, the King James Version, that is not what the verse says.  It says, "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God," so I felt what I was hearing could not be true so I tried ignoring the voice in my thoughts.  Truthfully, I didn't realize I was hearing a voice in my thoughts for days at that time.
> Finally, one day, after hearing "faith comes out of hearing the Word of God" for the umpteenth time, I said, "Lord, that's not what the verse says,"  He said, "Look it up for yourself then."  So I did and, of course, it said exactly what I thought it said and told the Lord as much.  He said, "Look the term "cometh" up in the Strongs concordance.  I did.  Guess what it says for part of its definition?  You got it!  "Faith comes out of hearing..."  This shed a whole new light on the meaning and application of the verse.  "What's this have to do with demons?"  Nothing.  What it concerns is hearing the voice of the Lord.  "Are you saying the King James is wrong the way it was translated?"  Of course not but the words of the King James were used differently, often times, by the KJV translators of the day.  So I always look up every word in a Bible verse when studying it in order to get at the expanded truth.  As I said, my point is I heard the voice of the Lord in my thoughts and obeyed by doing what the voice of the Lord told me.  He confirmed it by His own word.  In short, the Lord helped me cross reference His thoughts with His written Word; The Bible.  The Lord will not leave you without His knowledge and His presence.  The Bible says, I will never leave you nor forsake you.  Do you see it now?  "Why is this important?"  Let me share another story.
> When praying with people, I am always looking for the lies that have deceived them into not seeing, or hearing, the truth for what it is.  This is my responsibility as an intercessor of the body of Christ and so I was called by the Lord.  I don't have to look for demons nor do you but we all have lies we need exposed and removed so the Enemy has no foothold in which to invade our relationship with God.  On the other hand, wherever there is a lie; there is a lying spirit.
> As I was saying, I was praying with a person one day and as we approached a lie that was hidden by a stronghold which had developed from perpetual trauma as a child many years ago, a demon manifested itself through their voice.  He tried arguing with me but that dog won't hunt if we stand our ground.  Playing their game is what they try and do the most and debating with a lying spirit is not only a waist of time but they will try and probe for your spiritual weakness to turn the tables on you.  On the other hand, sometimes a demon has a name and the name can be a key to finding out why he is there and what he is hiding.  So I asked him his name.  He said, "Jesus."  You heard me; he said his name was Jesus.  I laughed out loud.  This wasn't a difficult one because you and I both know this demon wasn't the true Jesus.  This is why I use the phrase, "The True Lord Jesus Christ," as I pray because there is only one.  Why would a demon say this?  Simple.  Satan has a God complex; one of my taglines on my website.  So, since the Bible says test the spirits, I did so by asking him a question:  "Did Jesus come in the flesh?"  Now, a lot of demons get frustrated immediately when this question is asked and back away from a direct answer but this demon was different.  He most likely was higher in the levels of authority and thought he could fool me by saying, "Yes.  Jesus came in the flesh."  So I saved the best for last; my second question.  I said, "I am giving you one more chance to answer.  If you lie, or if you get the question wrong, I will send you away to the True Lord Jesus Christ and He will send you wherever He chooses.  Tell me who your true Lord and Master is?"  He tried to say it was Satan but stumbled and when pressed by me reminding him of what I was going to do by sending him away to Jesus, he finally said, "Jesus Christ is my only true Lord and Master."  I was then able to discern why he took on the name of Jesus and get to the lie he was hiding behind and I was also able to go deeper than before in our subsequent prayer sessions.  This person, by the way, had multiple personalities.
> I am now going to describe to you, in simple terms, what mentally goes through my mind when I pray by myself or when praying with others.  This becomes automatic if used every time it is warranted.  "But how will I know when to pray what you are about to describe?"  Good question.  Any time you feel a foreign thought come to your mind, that is, a thought not of your own, is the answer to your question.  For example, "You are a poor Christian.  If people knew what you really were, they'd never want to be around you.  That sin you committed when you were younger?  It's not gone and never will be.  You aren't strong enough as a Christians so you fail at everything you do.  Some pastor you are.  These people aren't listening to what you preach," and this list could be a thousand miles in length.  Keep in mind that lying spirits also speak to our minds in the first person.  "I am not a good Christian.  I'm never going to make it.  There is something wrong with me or these things wouldn't be happening to me.  If I were loved by God, He wouldn't let me suffer like this."  Again, the list is endless and demons never play fair.  "So what do I do at this point?"
> Let's start with W.  What am I feeling right now.
> In this case, let's say you are fearful, or uneasy, or are feeling anguish, or hopelessness.  Just search through your thoughts until you come upon the negative emotion you are feeling.  Let's use fear for starters because there is always a lie behind fear.
> The next letter of my acrostic is O.
> This stands for Origin, that is, we are going to pray to ourselves and we are going to ask God, what is causing this fear.  When I would have an anxiety attack, my whole upper body would flush as if I were suddenly sunburned but especially my chest.  My first thought, which wasn't mine but from a lying spirit, was, "Oh, my Lord.  I'm having a heart attack."  This is what I mean about lying spirits speaking in the first person.  I knew physically I wasn't having a real heart attack but the lying spirit was using guile and deceitfulness to disguise his desire to keep the lie hidden from my discovery.  Now when something like this happens, my mind immediately thinks, that isn't God's voice so Lord, where is this fear coming from I am feeling right now?  If you feel nothing upon beginning, ask yourself, when is the last time I was afraid, or sad, or weak, or doubtful, or felt loneliness.  In other words, let the Holy Spirit lead you to that place of emotional pain but if the pain is right there at that moment, stick with that.  You probe your memories in this manner by taking every thought captive.  By the way, I wrote a testimony article about the experience I am writing about and it is on my website.  In this case of what might be labeled a panic attack, not only did my chest catch on fire emotionally, but I felt I was almost pushed backwards one step, as it were, in order to catch my balance.  In other words, I felt the presence of not one, but two, demons in the room.  If you want to know what God did to them, search on my website search engine for "Demons On Christmas Day."
> My mind shifts to asking God the origin of the fear.  A lying spirit can, and will, put his emotions upon your emotions and feelings upon your feelings, to try and intensify the fear factor.  Why?  Because, he knows the Lord can, and will, show you where the fear is being generated.  If the fear magnifies, you likely are on the right track.  By asking God to show you the origin of the fear, you are bypassing the lying spirits deception.
> The next letter to consider is R.
> This stands for Realize the lie.  This will not just surface at first because, if you've never prayed in this manner before, the Enemy is going to dump more fear and guilt and concern upon you to try and block you but Colossians 2:10 says, "All power is given unto Christ who is the Head of all principalities and powers," and this is in reference to demonic powers according to Colossians 2:15.  When first attempting this, you may not get very far and this means you need a friend that understands what is occurring to pray with you in agreement to help expose the lies.  When praying with an intercessor for the first time, the lie that tried to block me appeared in my thoughts and I was instantly aware of it: "This won't work for you."  I repeated what I heard, or thought, to the intercessor.  He prayed and simply asked the Holy Spirit if what I heard was true.  The feeling, plus the thought, vanished instantly from my mind.  So, don't be surprised if you cannot get past the first lie the first time you pray an inner healing prayer because there are often surface lies which lying spirits use to block entrance and access to your memories.
> The final letter to remember in the outline is the letter D.
> This stands for Discover the Truth.  This will be the voice of the Lord you hear in your thoughts that is the result of recognizing the lie.  In short, the truth replaces the lie and the demon has no license, nor reason, to stay, and often leaves; normally without even being told.
> As this form of prayer is applied, the process becomes faster and faster because you are praying without ever using your lips; its all in your head.  If you are alone, you can most certainly pray out loud, but keep in mind this:  I just heard on the radio the other day that anybody that hears God's voice is mentally ill.  I guess, then, I'm mentally ill, smile.  As I was about to say, this process becomes automatic and you'll not need the letters W-O-R-D to help you remember.  Let me show you what I mean.
> I can cut this form of prayer in half to make it even easier.  Watch.
> 1.  What is this feeling and where is it coming from.
> Once the negative emotion is identified, begin by thumbing mentally through your memories.  Go wherever the Lord leads you.  You might be a child or an adult; it may have been 40 or 50 years ago, or just last week.  "How will I know I am there?"  The memory will not feel right.  Just ask the Lord to show you where you hurt and you will always find it in a memory.
> 2.  At first, when you recognized the correct memory where that negative emotion comes from, you may not see the lie or know how to search for it.  Just look around the memory picture until you find what's wrong in the picture if you don't see it at first.  Always be asking the Lord to direct you and your thoughts to the correct place.  When I see the lie, I just continue praying by saying, "So, Lord.  I see the lie.  What's the truth you want me to know.  Let me see what you see."  The answer will come and it won't take long.  From then on, if that memory comes up, it will be free of that lie and the memory won't be painful to think about any longer.
> There are dozens of articles and testimonies of people with whom I've prayed over the years on my website, so I won't continue these articles.  I'll be happy to answer any question or if you want all 5 articles, I can email them to you; just let me know.
> Phil.
> Living His Name
> WWW.SafePlaceFellowship.COM

As Always, Vicki
To get information on how to purchase my CD write me at:
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